Where are many electric piles in Beijing? Please check the new energy vehicle charging strategy

Posted 2023-11-12 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Since the beginning of winter, for many new energy owners, the power consumption has increased and the charging frequency has to be increased. If you want to go to public charging, where are the piles dense? What is the peak time of charging? Beijing public charging facilities data information service platform released data on November 12 (city level platform e charging network), presenting a charging strategy to car owners. Cai Daizheng's e-charging network data shows that as of the end of October, Beijing has built 4800 public areas and about 43000 charging posts, forming a social public charging service network with an average service radius of less than 5 km. In the past year, the area around the residential area and within the second ring road has become the area with rapid growth of charging piles. At 8:00, 16:00 and 11:00 in the night, the charging volume has three peaks, and users can "stagger charging". In October 2018, the Municipal Urban Management Commission issued a new policy to conduct operational assessment and reward for public charging piles. As the first charging facility based on comprehensive operation index evaluation in China, in the past one year since its implementation, 1457 social public charging facility operation evaluation awards have been granted to Weichang station. After comparing the construction data of charging stations from the end of 2018 to October 2019, the reporter found that the growth rate of charging stations belonging to residential areas is 51%, that of commercial areas is 35%, and that of public parking areas is 28%. If divided by the ring road, the growth rate of social public charging facilities in the second ring road is as high as 117%, and that outside the sixth ring road is 41%. The growth rate of other ring roads is also considerable. The incentive policy not only promotes the growth of the number of charging stations, but also promotes the utilization rate of social public charging facilities. Compared with the data before the implementation of the operation assessment incentive policy in 2018 and in October 2019, the utilization time rate of social public charging facilities in the city has increased by more than 4%, and the utilization rate of charging facilities has increased by nearly 20%. Based on the observation of the ring road, the utilization time rate of the public charging facilities from the Third Ring Road to the Fourth Ring Road is the highest, and the utilization time rate of the public charging facilities outside the sixth ring road is the most obvious, and the utilization time rate of the public charging facilities in the rest ring road is also higher. E charging network also released the report on charging behavior of new energy vehicles in Beijing in 2019, which repeated the charging behavior habits of electric vehicle users using public charging facilities in the first 10 months of this year. In order to avoid "one difficulty", how to "off peak charging" for citizens? Throughout the city, the peak hours of public charging facilities are 8:00, 16:00 and 23:00 respectively. From 4:00 in the morning, the charging capacity of the public charging facilities in the city began to gradually increase, reaching the first peak at 8:00, and then began to decline, reaching the second peak at 16:00, and then the power began to drop substantially, and began to pick up at 22:00, and reached the peak of the whole day at 23:00. It can be seen that 1:00-7:00 and 8:00-14:00 are two "off peak charging periods". The peak charging hours are divided into various administrative regions of Beijing. Through the behavior report, it can be clearly seen that the peak charging hours of Chaoyang District, Xicheng District, Dongcheng District, Fengtai District, Haidian District and other densely populated administrative regions are mainly between 15:00 and 18:00. In Fangshan District, Changping District, Tongzhou District, Mentougou District and other administrative regions, the peak period of charging is mainly around 21:00-23:00. According to the behavior report, the average single charge capacity of users of public charging facilities in this city is 22.15 degrees, and the average single charge amount is 31.87 yuan. The average single charging time of fast charging pile users is 1.32 hours, and that of slow charging pile users is 5.09 hours. According to the behavior report, the fast and slow charging ratio of public charging facilities in Beijing is 3:2.2, and the number of fast charging piles is significantly higher than that of slow charging piles. "For the owners of electric vehicles, the public charging facilities mainly play the role of fast power supply, and a large number of fast charging piles can play a role in temporary power supply and emergency charging for the owners." According to the person in charge of e-filling network, the proportion of fast filling piles in this city is growing. According to the data analysis of the type of charging power in each location, the charging power in residential area and commercial area is the highest, followed by industrial park / plant area, public parking lot and urban park green space. According to the analysis of the charging capacity in the first 10 months of this year, the charging capacity in February 2019 was the lowest during the Spring Festival, and it began to increase gradually in March, peaked in August, and generally stabilized from January to October.

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