What should we do when car marketing becomes more and more difficult?

Posted 2024-01-02 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Although it is an era in which traffic is the king, the core of automobile marketing lies in how to use traffic to bring about more effective transformation. In the past one or two years, the automobile industry has suffered an unprecedented cold winter, the news of sales decline and the enterprise close to bankruptcy has become commonplace, and the industry is about to undergo a dramatic reshuffle. Although as far as the automobile industry is concerned, products are the first priority. Only good products have a good market. But just as the saying of "wine fragrance is also afraid of lane depth", good products need better marketing transmission to achieve higher product value transmission, so as to have better sales volume transformation. At the same time, limited by the relative concentration of residence and the rising cost of car maintenance, the demand for replacement and additional purchase has not been greatly stimulated, and the automobile market has tended to be saturated. Therefore, it is more and more important to accurately reach the user's automobile marketing. On December 5, the engine conference 2020 with the theme of "growth ยท growth" was held in Shanghai. The conference focused on the direction and path of growth, the layout of the evolution ability of commercial products, the construction and reconstruction of marketing ecological relationship and other topics, helping the brand owners to solve the growth problem in multiple dimensions and explore the growth possibility outside the boundary. In fact, in the traditional advertising industry, creativity plays a leading role. A pair of creative outdoor posters may bring good effect transformation. But in the era of digital advertising revolution, creativity is giving way to technology. Liu Siqi, senior vice president of giant engine products, pointed out that technology has become the background of all important topics, and the era of "technology +" in marketing has come. "Huge engine is used by hundreds of millions of users every day, and it also has strong interactive features. The launch of new bmw1 series on the day of its listing brought 100000 + fans to its enterprise number. Building influence through content ecology is also a major feature of the massive engine. At present, huge engine has formed a content marketing matrix covering OGC, PGC and UGC, and has cooperated with more than 1700 content projects with advertisers in the past year alone. " Chen DUYE, vice president of huge engine marketing, pointed out. Now, most platforms with traffic advantages, such as Heju engine, are thinking about how to use traffic and technology to classify users' portraits, so as to achieve accurate marketing and better transformation of advertising effect. This is also the case in the automobile industry, and even the new era puts forward a new test for automobile marketing. Most FMCG products are under 100 yuan, and consumers can make faster transactions under the influence of advertisements. Just like Li Jiaqi can sell millions of lipsticks in one night, it's not difficult for consumers to spend 100 yuan to buy a lipstick. But the car is different from ordinary FMCG. Its price is very high and the purchase decision is relatively long. Can you sell the car with Li Jiaqi's live broadcast? Obviously not. At the same time, in the era of stock competition, users are increasingly seizing, which will test how to achieve more effective marketing of automobile brands and products, not only through the flow to achieve more efficient transformation, but also further form grass planting, purchase and transaction in information transmission. Wei Wenwen, the advertising director of the product end of quantum engine, said that at present, quantum engine has created good-looking products such as Topview, playful products such as trial advertising, and easy-to-use products such as local promotion, perfectly taking into account the user experience and commercial value. "We firmly believe that user experience brings user value, user value brings business value, users are less averse to advertising, and naturally more willing to accept information from enterprises." Wei said. In addition to product information transmission, advertisers' deep cultivation in brand has also become an important part of current marketing. In the era of intensive cultivation of users, with the promotion of private domain traffic value, the huge engine is constantly polishing its products, establishing a brand marketing position integrating enterprise number, brand number and organization number, so that the brand can achieve from content creation, traffic acquisition, marketing transformation, long-term operation to relationship precipitation. Now, around the brand position, the product and service system of the huge engine is constantly improving. With the improvement of these service functions, the brand position will play a greater marketing value in the future. Therefore, in terms of product effect coordination, Chen DUYE believes that the pursuit of product is breadth, and the pursuit of effect is accuracy. For example, if the automobile industry wants to promote its brand, it can establish its popularity through brand advertising, content projects, etc., and the collected clues can also be directly distributed to dealers through the product salesmen of chedi members to form a marketing closed-loop. The implementation of this system, with the help of the huge engine traffic advantage, can greatly promote the marketing digitalization of the automobile industry. In terms of brand relationship user management, the huge engine adopts the "marketing dual engine", that is, the mental engine and the action engine, to build a real and effective marketing system, to stimulate the incremental promotion of transformation. The mental engine takes the public domain traffic as the pool to stimulate users' interest to create increment. In order to promote mental transformation, huge engine launched the industry's first real information flow product GDA. Through scene collaboration, decision-making collaboration and value collaboration, the 4-terminal traffic is fully open, and multiple scenes reach the user group. With the launch strategy of "product effect" collaboration, the double objectives of product effect collaboration are maximized, and the effects of exposure and clues are guaranteed. The action engine can attract brand users to the action crowd, promote the transformation of users and improve the efficiency. The core focuses on the two products of "effect communication" and "car selling communication". Among them, "effectuan" provides full link service of clues, relying on the industry-leading ocpm intelligent bidding system for high-efficiency potential customer conversion, and eliminating false clues. Cooperate with the "car salesman" to continuously optimize the back-end pin to turn link and improve the speed and efficiency. Huge engine has built a complete full chain closed-loop, the front-end based on product efficiency / effect products to expand the increase of clues, the middle end depends on the products sold by car to improve the efficiency of clue distribution, the back-end linkage with dealers to assist transaction transformation. So after the output of advertisement, how to evaluate the effect of advertisement has become an important standard to consider the value of advertisement and a more important part of marketing. "Technology + insight and measurement" has become a lever to leverage efficiency. "Which part is more efficient and has greater leverage when spending 500 million yuan on advertising? If it is 500000, how to analyze it? With regard to these questions, products such as cloud maps of huge engines are trying to give answers. " Liu Siqi said. It is the starting point of marketing decision-making to have a real and effective user group insight through the data center. Huge engine cloud chart can realize refined management of brand relationship users, including marketing strategies, application scenarios, value evaluation, full link user management, clear understanding of which users are aware, which users are curious, etc., so as to make better marketing decisions. At the same time, through the three dimensions of "brand marketing", "product effect coordination" and "effect marketing", we can scientifically deconstruct marketing tactics, stimulate users' interest, promote users' behavior, and realize marketing increment and transformation. "There's only one metric for a giant engine: a more accurate measure of every penny an advertiser makes. It is not only the evaluation of effect, but also the measurement of value; it is not only the presentation of static indicators, but also the feedback of dynamic decision-making. " Xu Yujie, head of products in Taiwan and the industry, said. For this reason, the huge engine creatively puts forward the "o-5a-grow" marketing methodology, which infiltrates the scientific evaluation system into every link of marketing activities, can comprehensively measure the effect of marketing activities, and guide the marketing optimization to form a marketing closed-loop. Xiao Guanyin, general manager of giant engine automobile marketing center, said that the scientific measurement of automobile marketing effect is the direction that giant engine has been striving for, hoping to create a more scientific measurement system and be responsible for every penny of the brand. For this reason, based on the relationship between brand and user, the engine measures brand equity in an all-round way, and gives brand value and corresponding strategies under different structures.

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