Volkswagen plans to use the GTX name on ID. series performance vehicles

Posted 2023-10-20 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

According to foreign media reports, the car plans to use the name on a series of performance models. It is reported that the new name has been registered by Volkswagen and will be used in many models, including the production version of the car, which may be named. The name follows the tradition of Volkswagen, and is also used in performance-oriented gasoline, diesel and vehicle models. Like the existing VW performance model, the series will be upgraded with many exterior and interior styles to create a stronger sense of movement, which is different from its standard series ordinary model. In addition, in terms of the electric drive system, the claim in the name represents four-wheel drive, which indicates that the future performance version will use two motors, one for the front wheel and the second for the rear wheel. According to foreign media reports, Volkswagen is developing a high-performance version at the R & D center in Braunschweig, Germany, and is expected to debut at the beginning of the year. Currently, Volkswagen is also considering more models in its division. It is worth mentioning that although it is the new name of Volkswagen, GM and its subsidiaries have determined to use the name, which is mainly used for future concept vehicle models.

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