Volkswagen is accused of violating 60 Canadian vehicle emission standards

Posted 2023-12-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

According to Reuters, Canadian government agencies have recently accused about 128000 vehicles in Canada of violating Canadian environmental regulations. According to the Canadian environment and climate change agency (ECCC), vehicles imported by the public that do not meet the emission standards are charged with 60 counts of violating the environmental protection act of Canada. It includes two charges of providing misleading information to consumers. The court hearing will take place on December 13 in the Ontario Court of justice, Canada. ECCC also said VW would submit a proposed defense resolution at the hearing for consideration by the court and seek final approval from ECCC. The agency inspected imported Volkswagen vehicles in 2015, allegedly equipped with illegal "illegal devices.". The agency pointed out that the inspection found that these "illegal devices" are actually software, which can reduce the effectiveness of the emission control system during the normal use of vehicles, that is, the popular Diesel "exhaust gate" scandal. In 2015, it was reported that Volkswagen used such equipment to cheat in emission test. So far, the company has been fined 30 billion euros (about 233.6 billion yuan) including vehicle and legal fees, which has aroused global attention to diesel vehicles.

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