Vietnam government suspected of stealing BMW's business secrets

Posted 2023-12-15 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Bavaria radio and television reported on December 10 that the German media exposed frequent hacker attacks at the beginning of this year. It has been revealed that the hacker organization may be supported by the Vietnamese government to steal BMW's business secrets. At the beginning of this year, BMW was invaded by a hacker organization called ocean lotus. Instead of taking immediate action, BMW IT personnel monitored the hacker's action. Last week, they confirmed the infected computer and prevented the hacker from accessing the BMW network. It is reported that hackers have hacked into BMW's network system to remotely monitor and control computers. The hackers also set up a fake website, disguised as the site of BMW's Thai branch. The IT expert, who asked not to be named, said that the attack on BMW's system had not been successful, that hackers had not intruded into BMW's Munich headquarters system and had not obtained any sensitive information. According to the report, hailua group works for the Vietnamese government and may steal trade secrets of the automobile industry for the Vietnamese government. At the beginning of this year, the Vietnamese government provided policy support for local automobile manufacturers to develop the local automobile industry. In June, Vietnam opened its first automobile factory. That's when hackers invaded BMW. The German Network Security Organization (dcso) said the analysis showed that hackers were acting in the interests of the Vietnamese government. BMW spokesman declined to comment, saying: "we have taken relevant actions to avoid and reduce illegal invasion of our system, and ensure that we can detect, investigate and solve potential threats as soon as possible.". It is reported that the hacker group also attacked the car in the same way, but the details are unknown. As of the press release, Hyundai did not respond to media inquiries. The German motor vehicle Association (VDA) issued a warning notice to all members of the association this summer. The German Federal Constitutional Protection Agency informed German car companies and suppliers of hailua's attack on BMW and reminded major car companies to be vigilant.

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