"Upgrade" or become a national compulsory standard for the collision protection of vehicles against pedestrians

Posted 2024-07-19 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

On November 28, at the scene of the second China International Symposium on pedestrian protection in 2019, sun Zhendong, chief expert of China Automotive Technology Research Center and automotive safety technical expert of China National Accreditation Committee for conformity assessment, made relevant sharing on the research of national compulsory standards for pedestrian protection in China. Sun Zhendong introduced that the revision of GB / T 24550-2009 "vehicle to pedestrian collision protection" is in progress, and applied for the approval of the national compulsory standard in 2019. It is reported that GB / T 24550-2009 standard specifies the technical requirements and test methods for pedestrian protection in case of vehicle collision. The test items include pedestrian child head impactor, adult head impactor, lower leg impactor and upper leg impactor impacting the front structure of vehicle. According to sun Zhendong, the head type test area considers windshield area; leg type test area definition; AEB / BAS and other active safety technologies are becoming more and more mature, how to define the pedestrian protection test speed; the pedestrian protection strong standard comprehensively considers the accidents of two wheeled vehicle, automatic vehicle and balance vehicle; the interaction between vehicle and pedestrian leg protection performance and vehicle low-speed collision performance; active spring up vehicle Test and evaluation methods are the key points of the pre research of GB / T 24550-2009 revision.

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