Two important tasks of collecting and updating high-precision map

Posted 2024-06-05 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

"The production of high-precision map base map alone will cost hundreds of millions of yuan." "The cost of high-precision maps for urban expressways is 10 times that of expressways." Jiang Rui, deputy general manager of Gaode map automobile business department, told the media about the high price of Gaojing map at the media exchange meeting of Gaode on November 29. The high-precision map has become more and more popular, and the huge investment has become a barrier in front of the map merchants, and the subsequent update and maintenance are even more difficult. In the face of many challenges, how to plan the future for the high-precision map that has reached cooperation with others? At present, there are 20 enterprises with class a mapping qualification of navigation electronic map in the industry. These enterprises have been able to collect and produce high-precision map legally. Although we have passed the qualification threshold, there is still a difficulty for some enterprises to pass, that is, the high production cost of high-precision map. "Only the development of high-precision map base map needs the investment of hundreds of millions to do well." Jiang Rui told auto home that, for example, the cost of a single car of Gaode high-precision map collection car is millions of yuan, and a large-scale team must be formed. Secondly, including data analysis and processing process, development of production platform, human resources and other aspects need heavy financial support. The cost of high-precision map will be higher if the subsequent update and maintenance are included. In addition, jiangrui revealed that the unit cost of making high-precision map of urban expressway is 10 times that of expressway, because the road environment of the former is too complex. For golde, on the one hand, it relies on Alibaba, the parent company, so there will be no worries about lack of funds; on the other hand, after years of hard work, geographic information service has a mature business model. However, the continued heavy investment is still considerable. For start-ups, the cost of high-precision mapping will make them more "anxious". The completion of production and delivery of a high-precision map does not mean the end of the project. Map updating is more important work. If a map can not be updated in real time, its value will continue to decline, which brings great safety risks to the car. At present, there are two main ways to update high-precision maps in the industry: one is that the map dealers rely on their own capabilities to achieve real-time updates, such as acquisition vehicles; the other is the crowdsourcing scheme, which is also recognized by many enterprises. For the first method, it is not realistic for the map dealer to deploy a large-scale acquisition vehicle; although the second method is the mainstream, it faces multi-dimensional challenges, such as different standards of acquisition equipment at the vehicle end of different models, the quality and accuracy of crowdsourcing data are difficult to guarantee, and more importantly, the map data acquisition is subject to strict supervision. Jiang Rui said that the first plan will not rely on the data collection vehicles owned by the cartographer, and some of the data collection will be "outside the vehicle". There is an idea in the industry to achieve high-precision map data collection through roadside equipment. Jiang Rui said that it's not sure whether to collect by roadside equipment for Gaode, and the plan is still under discussion. But we can be sure that Golder will adopt the above two renewal methods at the same time, only the proportion of the two is different. Globally, L3 class and above autopilot cars are not mainstream, while cars equipped with ADAS system have appeared on a large scale. In other words, at present, there are few high-precision maps that can meet the needs of automatic driving. At the same time, the industry has not developed to the stage of map keeping real-time dynamic update, and map quotient does not have the corresponding ability. Jiangrui said that with regard to the real-time update of high-precision maps, Gaode is still in the process of small-scale test to ensure that the real-time update can be realized in the future. In terms of road coverage, Gaud has completed the high-precision map data acquisition of more than 300000 km high-speed and urban expressway, achieving an absolute accuracy of 1 meter and a relative accuracy of 10 cm. In terms of commercialization, Gaud has claimed that its high-precision map has been mass produced and landed through Cadillac super cruise super intelligent driving system. In fact, what Gaud provides is not the real self driving high-precision map, but the ADAS map. According to Jiang Rui, the map data provided by Gaode is between L2 and L3. Whether or not the high-precision map provided by Golder is specially designed for automatic driving, at least an important step has been taken in the commercialization of the high-precision map. At present, the competition in the field of high-precision map is fierce. Whoever can get the order of the car enterprise first will get the corresponding advantages. Whether a healthy business model can be formed or not is also a test for Tu Shang. In April this year, Gaud launched a standardized high-precision map scheme with a bicycle price of no more than 100 yuan per year, which was also awarded "cost price" by Gaud. Jiang Rui said that the so-called "100 yuan cost price" refers to the cost of covering high-precision maps of expressways, rather than urban expressways. The aim of the scheme is not to fight price war, but to cultivate market. In terms of the whole map business (including traditional navigation map and high-precision map), there are three major application markets: first, Alibaba's rookie logistics; second, the Gaode app; and third, the whole vehicle factory. In line with the application scenario of high-precision map, the passenger car market represented by rookie logistics and vehicle factory is the one. Jiang Rui also explained the above two types of application markets. The business logic in the field of logistics and distribution is established, because it can liberate the drivers, and the consumers will ultimately pay for the whole vehicle factory. In the next stage, Gaode has two key directions. One is to increase efforts to collect data from urban roads, and the other is to explore a low-cost scheme for large-scale map updating.

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