Toyota will launch the domestic "large" new RAV4 with 2.5L hybrid next year

Posted 2022-02-10 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Previously, Toyoda supplier Vivian daotuo had said that a new car code 941b was about to be built, with the Chinese name of "hailiya". The car's name is very close to harrier's transliteration, which may mean that FAW Toyota will introduce harrier into China after its replacement. Recently, Wangshang city learned from Jilin environmental protection bureau that FAW Toyota will officially put into production 941b in November 2021, with a planned annual production capacity of 60000 vehicles. The new car will be built based on tnga-k platform after replacement. According to foreign media forecast, the new car will adopt 2.0L and 2.5L hybrid system. From the perspective of overall product strength, the car can be regarded as a new RAV4 Rongfang of "large size". According to the EIA information, FAW Toyota has cut 60000 new RAV4 Rongfang vehicles / year to 941b project. There is a deep origin between harrier and Rx. It can be said that it was the "standard change" version of Rx. It was only after 2013 that harrier was adjusted in detail to distinguish it from Rx. At present, the overseas version of the car is approaching the replacement period, and foreign media said that its new generation model will be released overseas in the second half of this year. The new car and the new RAV4 Rongfang are built on the same platform, but the size and configuration will be improved. In addition, on the drive system, the new harrier will be available in the form of front drive and four-wheel drive. In the domestic market, this power train and four-wheel drive system have taken the lead in the use of the new RAV4, and the newly launched willanda has also been used. At present, FAW Toyota has launched three models, i.e. Yize, RAV4 and Prado (about to stop production), while the brand-new Highlander "brother" car code 770b is also stepping up the introduction, so there is a main product in small, compact and medium-sized markets. It is expected that the new harrier will be positioned between the new RAV4 and 770b when it is made in China, focusing on the big five SUV markets (entry-level medium-sized SUV), competing for the five seat version of tuguan L, crown road / ur-v and other products. From the perspective of 941b project planning, the domestic time of the car is more than one year away from the overseas release, which is basically the same as the product rhythm of the new RAV4. In 2020, FAW Toyota will focus on increasing the sales of new cars launched last year, while at the end of this year and the beginning of next year, it will focus on 770b (the new "brother" of hanlanda), keep the pace of launching a heavy-duty SUV every year, and continue to refine the compact and medium-sized SUV market.

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