The evolution of multi-mode interactive intelligent cockpit to "ecological coordination"

Posted 2024-08-19 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

In recent years, the main driving force of the rapid development of the automobile industry has gradually changed from the past supply side product and technology driven to the increasing customer demand driven. Consumer's cognition of automobile is gradually changing from "single vehicle" to "third space", and cockpit is the core carrier of space shaping. Recently, Roland Berger, a consulting company, and horizon, an artificial intelligence chip company, released the white paper on the development trend of intelligent cockpit, focusing on the needs of automobile consumers, the development trend of intelligent cockpit and the dynamic of the industrial chain of intelligent cockpit. "Source: Roland Berger, horizon" intelligent cabin mainly covers the innovation of cabin interior and cabin electronics. Meanwhile, 5g, big data, human-computer interaction (HMI), automobile chip and other technologies will further promote the future development of intelligent cabin. At this time, the main engine manufacturers, tier 1 and some players from different industries all focus on the field of smart cockpit. They want to lay out in advance and occupy the dominant territory in the smart cockpit ecosystem. In the future, the car use scenarios will be more abundant and life-oriented. Based on the vehicle location information, the functions of information, entertainment, ordering, interconnection, etc. will be integrated to provide consumers with a more convenient experience. According to the third-party research results quoted in the white paper, 87% of consumers in the Chinese market have shown their interest in the cockpit intelligent function, and 47% of them are willing to pay for relevant functions. "Source: Roland Berger" white paper pointed out that the technology of digital cockpit in the initial stage is low in difficulty and easy to perceive, which helps to rapidly improve the competitiveness of product differentiation. In addition, the interior visual perception can effectively support the technical realization of various functions of the cockpit, realize the personalized interior experience, and effectively help the realization of the automatic driving function, and ensure the accuracy of decision-making. For the touch screen, the design of the intelligent cockpit HMI will focus on the driving task, and the best scheme in the future must be multi-mode interaction, rather than the mode of binding eyes and hands. "Source: Roland Berger, horizon" white paper emphasizes that with the development of smart cockpit, its industrial chain will become more and more complex, and more players will get a share of this big ecosystem. In the future, the development theme of smart cockpit ecosystem will focus on "ecological coordination" and "cross-border extension".

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