Strictly abide by the bottom line and the Ministry of transport put forward four requirements for tailwind vehicles

Posted 2024-07-09 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

On November 28, at a regular press conference held by the Ministry of transport, a reporter asked Xu Yahua, director of the transport service department of the Ministry of transport, how to think about Didi's return to the line? Xu Yahua said that the platform companies with conditions are encouraged to carry out downwind business in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the State Council documents. However, there have been malignant cases in the downwind business. We hope that each platform can learn from the lessons and strengthen the safety management measures. At least the following four aspects should be achieved: first, the platform company must strictly abide by the safety bottom line. The technical performance and driver background of on-line vehicles shall be audited and dynamically monitored to protect the privacy of users' personal information and ensure the safety from the source. Second, it should conform to the nature of hitchhiking. It must be on the premise of the driver's own travel needs and release the travel information in advance, and the fitting passengers with the same travel route shall select the combined vehicle. The driver's downwind behavior must not be profit-making, only share part of the travel cost with the passengers or provide free assistance. Third, platform companies cannot provide illegal online car Hailing services in the name of Shunfeng. According to the relevant regulations of all regions, the number of times of daily combined ride for each downwind vehicle shall be limited to a certain extent, which shall conform to the traffic and travel principles of the city where it is located. Fourth, the platform company should respond quickly to handle passenger complaints. Timely and effectively deal with emergencies, and bear the responsibility of handling safety accidents in advance, to ensure the safety and legitimate rights and interests of drivers and passengers. Xu Yahua also said that in the next step, the Ministry of transport will, relying on the system of inter ministerial joint meetings of new forms of transport industry, coordinate and supervise the implementation of safety rectification of platform companies, implement territorial responsibilities, strengthen supervision and inspection, severely investigate and punish platform companies that organize illegal operations in the name of Shunfeng vehicles, maintain the order of competition in urban passenger transport market, and promote traffic To standardize the healthy development of new forms of transportation, and to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and their legitimate rights and interests.

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