State Grid starts a new round of charging pile construction: 78000 charging piles will be added this year

Posted 2021-04-30 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

On April 14, the State Grid held a video conference on the centralized linkage start-up of new energy vehicle charging facilities in 2020, announcing that 126 projects will be started in 18 provinces (municipalities directly under the central government) to promote the development of new energy vehicle industry. The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on March 4, which proposed that infrastructure construction at the scientific and technological end should be developed, including seven "new infrastructure" sectors, namely 5g infrastructure, UHV, intercity high-speed railway and intercity rail transit, charging pile, big data center, artificial intelligence and industrial Internet. In the novel coronavirus pneumonia special period, the State Grid accelerated the construction of charging piles, which is conducive to boosting the new energy consumer confidence, promoting the industry out of the short-term predicament, and solving the problems of insufficient total charging infrastructure, uneven distribution and convenience. Mao Weiming, chairman of the State Grid and Secretary of the Party leadership group, said that in 2020, the State Grid planned to invest 2.7 billion yuan in the construction of charging piles, adding 78000 charging piles. The new energy vehicle charging facility project launched this time has an investment scale of 360 million yuan. 126 projects have been jointly constructed in 18 provinces (municipalities directly under the central government), covering public, special, community, port shore power and other types of charging infrastructure. It has the following characteristics: first, the number of charging facility projects is large, and this construction covers many provinces in the country, which is helpful to alleviate electric vehicles Main mileage anxiety and convenient service. The project is located in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan, Qinghai and other 18 provinces (municipalities directly under the central government). State Grid said that during the implementation of the project, the public construction pays more attention to close to the needs, scientific planning and nearby construction, improves the network density and reduces the charging radius. Second, the large scale of investment in charging facilities projects will promote the consumption of new energy vehicles and the development of industrial chain. The project plans to build more than 2000 charging piles with a total design charging capacity of 109mw, which can provide charging services for about 12000 commercial and passenger vehicles, directly drive the purchase and consumption of automobiles by 3 billion yuan, and stimulate the production and manufacturing of power supply products, spare parts, rear vehicle services and other upstream and downstream industries. Third, the construction of special charging stations will be further focused on the centralized charging piles and fast charging piles to support the electric innovation of special vehicles such as public transport, logistics, rental and heavy truck. State Grid said that it will focus on the safety, quality, progress and cost of the project construction, comprehensively improve the service level, enrich the user experience, and meet the diversified, three-dimensional and all-weather charging needs. In recent years, State Grid, together with all parties in the industrial chain, has jointly promoted the construction of charging piles and service networks, simplified the procedures for industrial expansion, improved the efficiency of power handling, and accelerated the installation and connection of charging facilities. Strengthen the construction and transformation of distribution network to ensure the effective connection between distribution network and charging facilities. With a total power transmission capacity of 3.378 million KVA and a total power transmission capacity of 212000 households, we will support the construction of private charging piles in residential areas, special charging and replacing power stations and public charging piles such as buses and taxis. At present, the State Grid has built up 116 charging and replacing power stations and 95800 charging piles. Among them, there are 2022 fast charging stations and 8270 charging piles, forming a fast charging network of "ten vertical, ten horizontal and two ring" expressway, covering 49000 kilometers of expressway, covering 171 cities in 19 provinces. In addition, State Grid has established a charging and exchange standard system with independent intellectual property rights and leading technology in China. It has completed 23 national standards, 27 bank standards and 61 enterprise standards, and has become the world's four standard systems for charging and replacing electricity in parallel with the United States, Europe and Japan. Three IEC international standards have been issued, which has achieved zero breakthrough in the field of international standards for electric vehicles in China. This paper studies and puts forward the super charging technology scheme "Chaoji" to meet the demand of high-power charging, which has won the consensus of experts from Japan, Germany and other countries, and is expected to become the only standard scheme in the world. At present, State Grid has built an open, intelligent, interactive and efficient intelligent Internet of vehicles platform with the widest coverage and the largest number of charging piles in the world, with a total of 457000 charging piles, covering more than 85% of the public charging piles in the country, 2.8 million registered users and 22.5% activity. To further promote the construction of new energy vehicle charging piles, the State Grid will play a variety of advantages and focus on the following tasks: first, strengthen the grid connected services, provide labor saving, time saving and cost saving "three provinces" services for all kinds of charging piles, vigorously promote "Internet plus" power, open up green channels, provide contractual services, and implement easy access. We will strengthen the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of supporting power grids, and support the accessibility of charging piles for grid connection and reliable power supply. Second, strengthen the platform construction, take the Internet of vehicles platform as the leading and charging pile as the foundation, actively build a national charging network, continuously improve the openness and public service capacity of the platform, accelerate the promotion of operators' interconnection, build an EV energy service ecosystem, and realize an app, an account and a smooth tour of the country. Third, we should strengthen demonstration and guidance, cooperate in the construction of smart and orderly charging piles in residential areas, optimize the layout of public charging piles in urban office buildings, commercial supermarkets and other parking lots, carry out pilot construction of charging piles in counties and townships, promote electric vehicles to go to the countryside, build special charging piles as needed, and assist in the electrification process of public transport, logistics, ports and mining areas. Fourth, we should strengthen technological innovation, accelerate the research on key technologies, equipment development and engineering demonstration of high-power charging, orderly charging, vehicle network interaction, continuously improve the standard system, promote the transformation and upgrading to international standards, actively participate in power auxiliary services and green electricity transactions, and promote the integrated development of intelligent energy sources and intelligent transportation.

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