Siyate connects vehicles to transport infrastructure to help drivers predict traffic ahead

Posted 2024-05-20 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

According to foreign media reports, if you continue to drive at this speed, what color of traffic lights will be lit next? Now, the answer to this question no longer depends on the intuition of the driver, but on the technology. Under the leadership of auto manufacturer seat, in cooperation with Spanish traffic authority, Barcelona City Council and ETRA, the vehicle has been successfully connected with traffic lights and traffic control center to enable drivers to predict what will happen. The project can also send Expressway accident information directly to vehicles without information panel, and integrate vehicles and infrastructure through cloud by using cellular network technology. The delay time is only 300 milliseconds. Vehicles are connected with traffic lights and road infrastructure the vehicles used in the pilot project are equipped with the necessary technology to connect with the surrounding environment and receive the information uploaded to the cloud by the traffic authority, so that the driver can predict the situation in front in real time. Starting to slow down, the traffic lights are going to turn into red lights. As part of the project, vehicles are connected with traffic lights. Jordi caus, head of the city travel concept department in West Yate, said: "the traffic light will send a signal to the traffic authority's cloud to inform the current status and when it will change color. The vehicle receives this information, interprets the information, and sends the driver a warning of what color the traffic light is about to change according to the driving speed. If the traffic light is about to turn into a red light, this function will be very useful because the driver will start to slow down before arriving at the traffic light. " When the vehicle is close to the traffic light, the on-board screen will display whether the signal light will be red, green or yellow when the vehicle arrives. The system can be calculated according to the distance of the vehicle and the driving distance. It should be noted that the system will only work if the vehicle does not exceed the speed limit. Instead, if the driver overspeeds, the system will no longer alert the driver. Information will also appear in the vehicle's information panel now, there are 2000 information panels that can provide drivers with information about traffic, weather conditions, road works or accidents. With this system, all such information will appear directly on the vehicle screen of the network connected vehicle in any position. The more information drivers have, the less risk they face. The goal of this project is to improve driving efficiency with road safety as the center. "Our goal is to significantly reduce the number of accidents, reduce vehicle traffic and have a positive impact on the environment," said Jorge ord รก s, deputy director of transport and technology at the Spanish transport authority In addition, networked vehicles and users themselves will become information providers. "Anyone on the road can share information about the condition of the road so that other users can know in advance if there is an accident when they arrive at the same location," Jorge explained Jordi caus concluded: "through this project, we have taken the first step in connecting vehicles with the overall transport infrastructure. We start with providing information functions, taking into account future vehicles, and being able to take direct action when vehicles are at risk." (all pictures in the article are from Xiyate)

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