Shandong Province plans to build 100000 charging piles by the end of 2022

Posted 2023-12-31 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

On December 9, the executive meeting of Shandong provincial government deliberated and passed the implementation opinions on Further Strengthening and standardizing the construction and operation management of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Shandong Province (hereinafter referred to as the opinions), which clarified seven key tasks and eight guarantee measures of Shandong construction. According to the opinion, Shandong plans to build more than 100000 charging piles by the end of 2022, and basically build a charging infrastructure system with "vehicles and piles, reasonable layout, intelligent and efficient, and powerful guarantee". In terms of key tasks, Shandong will build a public service platform for charging infrastructure information, including online monitoring, real-time query, reward and compensation declaration and other social public services; it is required that 100% of new residential quarters will lay the power supply line of charging infrastructure to the dedicated fixed parking space; it is required that the proportion of public parking lot charging infrastructure reconstruction to the parking space by 2022 shall not be less than 15%; it is required that It is required to speed up the construction of special charging infrastructure, and provide charging facilities for parking lots and stations in designated public service fields such as public transportation, sanitation, airport commuting, etc. In terms of safeguard measures, Shandong will strengthen planning guidance and land use support, simplify construction approval procedures, promote the construction of supporting power grid projects, reduce power consumption costs, and increase policy support. For each residential area, unit parking lot and individual parking garage to install charging infrastructure, there is no need to go through the procedures of construction land planning permission, construction project planning permission and construction permission. The charging infrastructure of public parking lot shall be constructed simultaneously, and there is no need to go through the procedures of construction project planning permission and construction permission separately. If the newly-built centralized charging and replacing power station with separate land occupation conforms to the overall urban planning and land use planning, it is required to go through the procedures of planning permission for construction land, planning permission for construction engineering and construction permission. Shandong will encourage the price of electricity for charging piles. The electric vehicle charging infrastructure shall be subject to the electricity price in the classified catalogue according to the place where it is located, and directly report to the power grid enterprise the electricity consumption of the operating centralized charging and changing facilities for installation and connection of electricity, and implement the two-part electricity price in the industrial, commercial and other electricity consumption categories, and temporarily exempt from the basic electricity fee before 2025. Before 2020, the charge and exchange service fee of electric vehicles shall be subject to government guided price management, and the upper limit of specific standards shall be authorized to be formulated by the competent price department of the people's government at the level of districts and cities. Shandong will also actively strive for the central new energy vehicle charging infrastructure award funds, and encourage local governments to provide policy support through financial subsidies, free allocation of construction sites and other ways. The government invested parking lot for various government offices and public institutions, and the government invested parking lot for parks, museums, libraries, Youth Palace, Cultural Palace, sports venues, concert halls, cinemas, exhibition centers, news organizations and other places will be given 2 hours / day free parking preference for new energy vehicles.

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