Receive complaints and suggestions etc customer service center unveils

Posted 2023-12-14 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

According to the Ministry of transport, etc customer service center was officially opened in Zhengzhou, Henan Province on December 10. In order to speed up the application of electronic non-stop toll collection and provide more convenient and efficient etc travel services, etc customer service center has been set up in the road network monitoring and emergency response center of the Ministry of transport. After more than four months of preparation, etc customer service center can provide services for nearly 190 million etc customers. On the day of unveiling, the etc service supervision hotline 95022 will also be put into trial operation, which will accept etc complaints and suggestions and provide a unified channel for etc customer service. The Ministry of transport also released the work progress on the cancellation of toll stations at provincial boundaries of expressways. According to the information, since May 15, China has added 100.3356 million new etc customers, 91.07% of the 110.1788 million new issuance tasks. As of December 4, the total number of national etc customers has reached 181012400, 94.84% of the total issuance target of 190855600, and the remaining issuance tasks are 9.8432 million, with a daily average of 364600. Among them, 7 provinces including Beijing, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hubei, Guangdong and Guizhou have taken the lead in completing the issuance task. At present, the average use rate of etc of national expressway entrance bus is 68.12%, with a rise of 1.93% on a month on month basis; the average use rate of etc of national expressway exit bus is 67.9%, with a rise of 1.4% on a month on month basis.

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