Panasonic operates a hydrogenation station, and Japan is in the era of "hydrogen"?

Posted 2024-08-27 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

In recent years, with the adjustment of energy structure and the attention and research of clean energy, hydrogen energy has become the clean energy with the most potential in the world because of its advantages of green, efficient and wide application. At the same time, with the support of policy superposition and technological progress, hydrogen energy may be able to coexist and compete with pure electricity industry for a long time in the near future. In China, however, when people are still struggling with the real-time running of pure trams, neighboring Japan has directly chosen to continue to work in the field of hydrogen energy. After all, according to the relevant contents of the Paris Agreement on climate change, the Japanese government has set the emission reduction target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26% by 2030 compared with 2013. In order to achieve this goal, Japan proposes to popularize hydrogen energy and realize "hydrogen energy society" as the energy plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By December 2017, the Japanese government also released the "basic strategy of hydrogen energy". Among them, the plan is made from two aspects of hydrogen supply and hydrogen use, and the strategy lists many specific goals step by step, including reducing the price of hydrogen from 100 yen per standard cubic meter to 30 yen per standard cubic meter by 2030; achieving 800000 hydrogen vehicles by 2030; increasing the number of hydrogen filling stations to 900 by 2030; Battery buses will reach 1200 by 2030... No doubt, under the guidance of such a new energy strategic goal, relevant industries in Japan are also actively promoting the plan of hydrogen energy popularization. In fact, as early as 2015, 5680 patents on hydrogen energy have been made public free of charge, with a limited period until 2020. Although Toyota's move seems to provide a better foundation for the global automobile industry to develop into hydrogen energy, it has to be admitted that Japan's achievements in the hydrogen energy industry can not be achieved in five years. However, even in Japan, the application of hydrogen energy is still concentrated in a few developed areas. After all, the high cost and low utilization rate are the main bottlenecks restricting Japan's basic strategy of hydrogen energy. Specifically, due to the current technology level, hydrogen production is too high, which makes the current market price of hydrogen far higher than the price of natural gas and other commonly used energy, so it is difficult to get a place in the energy market. Not only that, but also the cost of hydrogenation station is surprisingly high from site selection, construction to operation. Recently, however, Panasonic group also decided to build "H2 Kusatsu farm" hydrogen station in Osaka to verify the practicability of hydrogen as the next generation of new energy. After the official operation of the hydrogen station, hydrogen energy will be provided for the hydrogen fuel cell forklift used in the plant. The whole system can satisfy the operation of two fuel cell forklifts every day, and can be filled with hydrogen in about 3 minutes. The fuel cell forklift will deliver the finished products in the "ene farm" factory. According to Matsushita, "H2 Kusatsu farm" uses two methods to produce hydrogen, and can provide hydrogen stably regardless of weather conditions. The first is to generate electricity by solar panels, and then produce hydrogen by electrolysis of water; the other is to combine hydrogen production equipment with gas reforming process, which comes from "ene farm" domestic natural gas fuel cell. Of course, as early as 2009, Panasonic launched the world's first domestic fuel cell "ene farm" in Japan. In 2012, Panasonic continued to test the hydrogen fuel cell technology in the "YUME solar hall Yamanashi" and Shizuoka hydrogen energy demonstration town projects in Yamanashi County, Japan, and planned to commercialize the hydrogen fuel cell in Japan around April 2021. In addition, Panasonic has even expanded its fuel cell business to seven European countries, including Germany and the UK. In a word, no matter in Toyota or Panasonic, which are good at building industrial chain, it is worth noting that there are still great economic and technological challenges and uncertainties in the current stage of hydrogen energy development. Before considering hydrogen as part of a broader economic and energy plan, verifying its commercial viability and safety remains a top priority. On the other hand, although in the context of global energy transformation and rapid development of renewable energy, hydrogen, as a clean secondary energy and energy storage medium, will play an important role in the process of opening up fossil energy, renewable energy and power grid, and will play a key role in promoting large-scale utilization of renewable energy, energy storage and peak shaving, and upgrading the grade of renewable energy effect. From a global perspective, the development of hydrogen energy utilization industry chain will focus on how to reduce costs. So looking at the current situation of hydrogen energy development, even in Japan, from the perspective of Panasonic's construction of hydrogen stations in limited fields and Toyota's commercial hydrogen energy industry chain, if we want to complete the curve overtaking for pure electric industry, we have to continue to make trial and error.

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