Or pure electric drive Jeep designer creates a cottoni pickup

Posted 2024-01-10 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

With the release of cybertruck, the discussion of pure electric pickup truck has reached an unprecedented height all over the world, and also attracted some car companies to start to pay attention to this emerging market. Recently, loongt, a designer of Jeep brand, released a set of design drawings of the new concept Jeep pickup cottoni, with a very avant-garde design style, which is quite different from the traditional pickup design style. The overall design style of this Jeep concept pickup is rigid and dynamic. The lines of the front face are very sharp. The front windshield has a large angle of inclination. Seven vertical openings in the middle net area pay homage to jeep's classic family design elements. Similar to Tesla pickup, jeep's concept pickup takes up less space in the front cabin, and the central grid is semi enclosed, or it indicates that the car will adopt pure electric drive system. At present, in the product line of Jeep, a pickup Jeep Gladiator based on the appearance of horse herders has been launched. The freshness of the overall design is not strong. If Jeep can mass produce cottoni, it indicates that the manufacturer wants to break the rules and bring a breakthrough product in appearance design, so it is also worth looking forward to. For the latest news about the car, please keep an eye on the follow-up report of car house.

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