Online car Hailing platform price adjustment and markup will be announced to the public 7 days in advance

Posted 2024-09-14 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

On November 21, the Ministry of transport and the national development and Reform Commission jointly issued the opinions on deepening the road transport price reform (hereinafter referred to as the opinions), proposing that the online car Hailing platform company adjust the pricing mechanism or dynamic price increase mechanism, which should be announced to the society at least 7 days in advance. According to the opinions, by 2020, the competitive areas and links of road transport will be basically liberalized, and the dynamic adjustment mechanism of road transport price with government pricing and government guided price that really needs to be preserved will be effectively established, and the price behavior of operators in road passenger transport, taxi and other fields will be more standardized. In order to standardize the price behavior of online car hailing and implement market price adjustment for online car hailing, the opinion stipulates that the online car Hailing platform company shall actively disclose the pricing mechanism and dynamic price increase mechanism, and publicize the price structure and price increase rules through the company's website, mobile Internet application (APP) and other ways. When it comes to adjustment of pricing mechanism or dynamic markup mechanism, it shall be announced to the public at least 7 days in advance. In addition, the Opinions also put forward suggestions on the market-oriented reform of the prices of passenger transport and cruise taxis. For example, in terms of road passenger transport price, in addition to rural passenger transport, three or more operators jointly operate lines, parallel lines with high-speed rail EMU lines and other fully competitive regular bus passenger transport, and in principle, market adjustment price will be implemented; in terms of improving the formation mechanism of taxi freight rate, comprehensive consideration will be given to taxi operation cost, income level of residents and drivers, traffic conditions and services The service quality and other factors, in accordance with the prescribed procedures, timely adjust the level and structure of touring taxi rates.

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