One year loss of 1 billion yuan in Nanjing Auto Insurance Fraud

Posted 2024-09-09 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Recently, Nanjing Public Security Bureau used big data technology to make a comparative analysis of insurance accidents and claims, and found that some auto repair factories, second-hand car dealers and other relevant personnel falsified the surprising insider of accident fraud. Therefore, Nanjing Municipal Public Security Bureau launched the task of "sweeping up" for vehicle insurance fraud, destroying 109 fraud groups in total, finding nearly 4000 cases of fraud, and capturing 356 ringleaders and relevant personnel. According to the data, since 2017, the annual average insured vehicles in Nanjing are about 2.4 million, the annual average premium charged is 10.8 billion yuan, the annual average loss is 6.3 billion yuan, the loss ratio is as high as 58%, 30% higher than the international average loss ratio. According to the investigation, in the cases uncovered by Nanjing Public Security Bureau, the relevant personnel of the insurance fraud mainly come from automobile repair enterprises, second-hand car trading enterprises, etc., involving the following four ways of insurance fraud. 1. Expansion loss. That is, before the loss is determined by the insurance company, the original damaged part will be expanded to increase the insurance company's claim amount, and the ultimate purpose is to increase the income of the garage. Expansion loss is the most common form of deception, which has strong concealment. 2. Forgery. That is to say, intentionally driving and colliding with fixed objects or two vehicles colliding with each other, causing traffic accidents artificially. This kind of accident has a high compensation amount, but the actual maintenance cost is very low, and some even replace the damaged parts in advance. During the period from 2017 to March 2019, a large-scale automobile repair factory located in Heyan Road, Nanjing City, reported 1674 claims settlement accidents, with a case value of 12.93 million yuan, including a large number of man-made accidents. In more than two years, a pillar in an underground parking lot near the garage had 54 friction collisions with vehicles in the garage. 3. Piecing together. That is to say, the damaged vehicles in different accidents are put together to create the illusion of accidents, obtain claims for vehicles that do not meet the claims, or repeatedly claim claims from different insurance companies. 4. Touch porcelain. That is to say, it is necessary to look for vehicles that violate traffic rules and deliberately collide with each other. Because the other party's violation is prior to the other party's, it is often fully responsible, so there will be porcelain bumping, fraud compensation and other situations. Zhang Wei, deputy director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of Nanjing Public Security Bureau, said that "eating insurance" has become a semi open "secret" in auto repair, second-hand car trade and other industries, but it has not been found on a large scale due to the way and means of attack. Before the "sweeping up" of the industry, it was conservatively estimated that the annual loss of Nanjing Auto insurance industry due to insurance fraud was more than 1 billion yuan, resulting in the loss of national tax revenue of about 300 million yuan.

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