Nissan to update its manufacturing technology in the future

Posted 2024-06-19 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Recently, officials said they would update their manufacturing systems around the world. The system will realize effective assembly in the same production line, traditional fuel vehicles and other types of vehicles. It is reported that the system is planned to introduce its local production base of sanchuanmachi in 2020, and the cost of plant transformation is about 33 billion yen (about 2.12 billion yuan), which will gradually expand to other factories around the world in the future. "Nissan's new manufacturing system" Nissan claims that today's automobile industry has turned to electrification and intelligence, so automobile production and manufacturing must also adapt to this trend, and the current production and manufacturing process needs significant improvement. Nissan, for example, says that the task of installing a power train for a car is arduous for production workers, but by means of mechanization and automation, it can greatly reduce the workload of labor and ensure the installation accuracy at the millimeter level. In addition to the previous artificial processes, the new system can be directly transplanted to the intelligent robot after the installation actions are numerical in complex processes such as gluing and ceiling installation. After the introduction of the new system, the automation level of Nissan's production base will be further improved. It is worth mentioning that, according to Sakamoto xiuhang, executive vice president of Nissan manufacturing and supply chain management, the above system will not only be introduced into the Nissan system, but also be introduced into the production and manufacturing system of Renault and the two "allies" in the future to help them make progress in electrification.

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