New energy used car embarrassment Tesla reduces 300000 yuan

Posted 2023-10-13 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

"Sellers don't want to sell, car dealers don't want to accept, buyers don't dare to buy", new energy used cars are falling into such a strange circle. "Most of the customers who plan to buy new energy used cars belong to targeted search, such high-end brands are their first choice, but we dare not accept the low-end electric vehicles, because they can't sell them at all." Recently, a merchant in the second-hand car market in Huaxiang, Beijing, told the daily economic news that there are still a few people who buy new energy second-hand cars, and they can't afford to collect too many cars. Although the number of domestic new energy vehicles has already exceeded one million, in the second-hand car market, new energy vehicles still exist as "minority choice". A few days ago, a reporter from the daily economic news found that "there are sellers but no buyers" is still the normal state of the new energy used car market. For second-hand car dealers, cash flow is the "lifeline", even if it is sold at a low price, they can't smash the car in their hands. In this case, the maintenance rate of new energy used cars is worrying. Public data shows that after the second-hand fuel vehicles are put on the market, the proportion of transactions achieved in the current month exceeds 40%. Most of the second-hand fuel vehicles can complete transactions within two months, but after the new energy second-hand vehicles are put on the market, the proportion of sales in the current month is less than 10%. "At the beginning of this year, I bought an electric car at half price, but it didn't sell out for 8 months. It was going to be the treasure of the store. At last, I lost tens of thousands of Yuan before I sold it." A merchant in the second-hand car market in Huaxiang, Beijing, complained to reporters. The merchant confessed that the reason why new energy used cars are difficult to sell is mainly because the endurance mileage is not easy to grasp and consumers cannot test. In addition, the new energy vehicles have a faster update and iteration speed in terms of endurance and technology, which also makes more consumers focus on new cars. "For second-hand fuel vehicles, customers can often judge the condition of power system, chassis and other vehicles by mileage, but for new energy second-hand vehicles, it is difficult for ordinary consumers to judge the attenuation degree of vehicle power battery only by mileage." The second-hand car merchants said to reporters. A second-hand new energy car merchant told reporters: "we also have standards for the acquisition of vehicles, and generally do not accept vehicles with a mileage of more than 60000 km. Because the profits of second-hand new energy vehicles are very thin, most of the customers who buy cars are used to run the Internet to book cars, we should promise the vehicle's endurance mileage to the users, and for electric vehicles with mileage of more than 60000 km, the power battery attenuation is too serious to ensure the normal use of the daily. If the power battery is replaced again, the price will be higher than the purchase price of the vehicle itself, and the gain is not worth the loss. " According to the reporter, if a new energy vehicle needs to be replaced after the warranty period, the cost is expected to be about 40000 yuan, which is basically consistent with the price of some new energy vehicles in the second-hand car market. According to the report on China's automobile maintenance rate in November 2019 issued by China Automobile Circulation Association, the average maintenance rate of three-year old new energy vehicles is 36.4%, much lower than that of traditional fuel vehicles. In the new energy vehicle maintenance rate ranking, only Tesla Model x (three-year vehicle age) has a maintenance rate of 63.9%; a large number of brand new energy vehicles (three-year vehicle age) have a maintenance rate of less than 50%. In addition, according to the 2019 China automobile hedge ratio report issued by China automobile finance and hedge ratio Research Committee, from the perspective of the one-year hedge ratio of new energy vehicles, the top five are Tesla Model x, Tesla Model s, Velite 5, and song DM, with the hedge ratios of 74.98%, 71.42%, 60.67%, 58.43% and 58.05%, respectively. This means that, in addition to Tesla, the maintenance rate of other new energy models is generally below 60%. "Even for high-end electric vehicle brands like Tesla, we will not first look at the service life and mileage of the vehicle, directly reduce the purchase price by 300000 yuan on the official guide price, and then adjust the price according to the vehicle condition," a second-hand car merchant told reporters Generally speaking, the factors that affect the maintenance rate of vehicles mainly include the price fluctuation of new vehicles, brand reputation, ownership, vehicle performance, practicability, maintenance cost and convenience. But for the second-hand new energy vehicles, brand premium and technical strength determine the maintenance rate of the model. "In general, the more historical and mass based the brand is, the higher the brand's premium ability is. At the same time, the vehicle performance and new vehicle terminal price also affect the price trend of used cars." Luo Lei, Deputy Secretary General of China Automobile Circulation Association, told reporters that with the improvement of endurance mileage and intelligence, the residual value of second-hand new energy vehicles will decline. At present, new energy used cars have fallen into the strange circle of "sellers don't want to sell, car dealers don't want to accept, buyers don't dare to buy". Because of this, the main body of the second-hand new energy vehicle trade is actually automobile enterprises. It is understood that in 2016, it was proposed to buy back new energy vehicles in a certain period at 45% - 55% of the market price. In 2018, the automobile also proposed to purchase new energy used cars within 60000 kilometers for three years, with the repurchase price of 50% of the price of the latter cars. At the same time, BYD, Dongfeng Nissan and other companies have repurchase plans for their new energy models. Tesla, Vemma are directly on the official website for the sale of certified used cars. Some insiders said: "through this move, the car companies just hope that users will continue to purchase the same brand of cars to upgrade and become 'repeat customers'. On the other hand, the residual value rate is still an objective reflection of the brand power of vehicle enterprises, and vehicle enterprises do not want the residual value problem to affect consumers' purchase decisions on the brand of new cars. " "Since 2018, China Automobile Circulation Association has started to promote the formulation of group standards of technical specifications for appraisal and evaluation of new energy used passenger vehicles, including requirements for qualification and evaluation institutions, appraisal and evaluation procedures, technical status appraisal requirements, etc., and with the support of relevant units, scientific research and academic institutions, after three discussions, formed the third Discussion paper. " Luo Lei revealed to reporters that "technical specifications for appraisal and evaluation of used new energy passenger vehicles" is expected to be officially released early next year. " According to Wang Meng, an expert in the second-hand car industry, "at present, the number of new energy vehicles is nearly 3 million. When the second-hand fuel vehicle market broke out, the number of new energy vehicles had reached 80 million. When will the market share of new energy vehicles reach 20%, the second-hand NEW energy vehicle market is expected to develop.

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