New UCS report: heavy trucks and buses must use electricity

Posted 2023-10-29 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

The electrification of trucks and buses needs to accelerate, according to a new report released by the union of scientists (UCS). The UCS report, titled "preparation: now is the time for heavy electric vehicles," notes that there are currently about 28 million trucks and buses in the United States, or 10 percent of all vehicles. They account for 28% of the total carbon emissions in the transport sector. If it's an electric truck, it's 44 to 79 percent less emissions than a diesel truck. Electrification of trucks in the United States will increase national electricity consumption by 13%, but total energy demand will be reduced by 71% due to the efficiency of electric vehicles. Like FedEx and Amazon, UPS is powering up its fleet. It was previously reported that UPS purchased 1000 electric trucks from workhorse. UCS said: the analysis found that there are many truck operating characteristics that are very suitable for electrification, including those operating in designated areas, as well as those parked in a central warehouse that can be charged. Two thirds of U.S. trucks drive 20000 miles or less a year, and if they drive five days a week, 50 weeks a year, 80 miles a day on average, within the range of one charge of the truck. More than 70 models from 27 manufacturers of electric trucks and buses are now on the market or will be mass produced within the next two years. UCS research shows that there are three policies that can accelerate the electrification of trucks and buses to improve air quality: financial incentives; investment in charging infrastructure; and increased standards for the manufacture and purchase of heavy electric vehicles. Jim o'dea, senior vehicle analyst and report author at UCS, said: electric trucks need to make commitments and plans because they contribute a large part of carbon emissions, leading to climate change and diesel pollution affecting people's health. Truck electrification technology already exists. Today, policy makers and businesses should make a commitment to the widespread electrification of future trucks. (this article was compiled from: electrek)

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