New CEO of the three strategies, Mr. Uchida, is committed to reviving Nissan

Posted 2024-05-03 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

According to the official release, Makoto Uchida has been the CEO of Nissan since December 1, 2019. After taking office, under the cooperation of Ashwani Gupta, Nissan's chief operating officer, and Jun Seki, its deputy chief operating officer, Mr. Uchida will revive Nissan and properly handle the alliance relationship with Renault. "Naitian Cheng" said that the previous vehicle quality inspection problems (quality inspection fraud) in the Japanese market and the company's senior management misconduct (Financial misconduct of ghorn and Xichuan Guangren) indicated that Nissan had serious problems in the company's operation and management, which also led to a rapid decline in Nissan's performance. In the process of operation, too much pursuit of short-term benefits (too many incentives used in the U.S. market to stimulate the short-term growth of sales) has also damaged Nissan's brand power and profitability. "The former CEO of Nissan, Hiroshi nishigawa, apologized in public for the fake quality inspection," said Mr. Uchida. It is Nissan's top priority to regain market trust and restore performance. Therefore, Nissan's brand reputation will be restored after taking office. The first is to rebuild Nissan's operation capacity in the U.S. market; the second is to improve the overall operation and investment efficiency of Nissan; the third is to promote stable growth of Nissan by introducing new products, new technologies and "Nissan intelligent mobility". In addition, for the first time, he summarized the alliance relationship with Renault and other countries. Over the past 20 years, Nissan has made long-term development with the help of the alliance, Mr. Uchida said. In the future, Nissan will continue to maintain cooperation with the alliance while maintaining its independence.

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