McKinsey report: wechat car version leads the new height of Zoomlion

Posted 2024-07-16 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

China's automobile industry is undergoing a period of profound change from "high-speed" development to "high-quality" development. The "new four modernizations" of electrification, intelligence, networking and sharing have become the recognized development direction of the automobile industry. All major automobile enterprises are looking forward to seizing new opportunities and accelerating the "new four Modernizations". Recently, McKinsey consulting company, a well-known management consulting company in the world, published McKinsey's quarterly CEO of China's auto industry - winning the second half of the auto industry, summarizing the development status of the "new four modernizations" of China's auto industry. McKinsey pointed out: the intelligent Internet connection function is becoming one of the core purchase drivers for Chinese consumers. 69% of Chinese auto consumers said they are willing to change their brand in order to have a better Internet experience, far higher than 19% in Germany and 34% in the United States. Among them, Tencent's "car wechat" has pushed China's Internet of vehicles market to a new height. Wechat car version is an official vehicle communication software launched by Tencent, which is specially designed for driving scenes. In terms of interaction mode, wechat Vehicle version adopts full voice interaction, combined with the way of steering wheel exclusive control buttons, to ensure that users "do not leave the steering wheel, eyes do not leave the road ahead", and keep their attention on the road ahead. At the end, GAC motor GS4, Chang'an cs75 plus, hafe F5 and other models equipped with Tencent's official wechat car version have become the focus of attention, and wechat car version is expected to become the standard of mainstream cars. In the face of the demand of Chinese users for always on-line interconnection and safe driving, wechat car version achieves a good balance between the two. Recently, the Research Institute of automobile technical information of China automobile Center issued a report on the evaluation of intelligent vehicle communication software. Taking wechat Vehicle version, a typical vehicle native communication software, as the test object, it carried out many scientific and rigorous test links, such as functional test, user interface test, strength test, capacity test, safe driving test, etc. wechat Vehicle version is "excellent" ”Pass all test items. From the test data, we can see that wechat car version can effectively reduce the vision shift and attention distraction caused by users using mobile phones, and help drivers focus on the road ahead. In different scenarios, the proportion of users who use wechat car version to focus on the road ahead has increased to 94.7%, which is more than using mobile phones to communicate in the car. Analysis of test results of wechat on-board version in the creation of wechat on-board version, Tencent develops product definition and function based on the user's needs, and grinds with vehicle enterprises in combination with vehicle use scenarios to achieve differentiated customization for different models. This is also in line with the statement of McKinsey's China Automotive CEO quarterly: "in the final analysis, enterprises need to provide the best user experience, let use cases create real value, in order to gain competitive advantage and profit pool, and win the car intelligent network."

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