Lock in the price of the car in a limited time

Posted 2023-10-15 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Near the end of 2019, before the decline of guobu again, the insurance policy is given, and the users who pay for Dabing before December 31, 2019 and are licensed before March 31, 2020 can still enjoy the 2019 purchase price. In 2019, Weima has just launched another new vehicle, EX6 plus. The new vehicle is positioned as a medium-sized SUV, which is higher than the first model Ex5 of Weima. At present, there is only one model of Vemma EX6 plus on sale, with a price of 239900 yuan. It is equipped with 69kwh power battery pack, and the NEDC has a endurance of 505km. Importantly, the new car is equipped with the second generation thermal management system of Vemma, which helps to improve the charging speed and endurance performance in low temperature environment. "Weima EX6 plus" Weima Ex5 is positioned as a compact SUV, with the price range of RMB 139800-189800 after subsidy. There are two types of new vehicles with a total endurance capacity of 52.56kwh and 69kwh, respectively. The corresponding endurance mileage is 400km and 520km. Thanks to the earlier market entry time, Vemma Ex5 has a good sales performance in the market, and the cumulative sales volume of the vehicle in January October 2019 is 12972. "Weima Ex5" in the face of the decline of state subsidy, Weima automobile gives a price protection policy, that is, to pay Dading before December 31, 2019, and users who are licensed before March 31, 2020 can enjoy the 2019 purchase price.

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