Leddartech cooperates in the development of lidar evaluation tool package for highway driving application

Posted 2023-12-08 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

According to foreign media reports, leddartech announced a strategic cooperation with first sensor, which also announced to join the leddar ecosystem. Leddartech is an industry leader in providing the most versatile and scalable lidar platform for cars and mobile travel, while first sensor is a leading developer of advanced sensor solutions. (photo source: ledtartech) with the support of first sensor and other industry leaders, ledtartech is developing the only open integrated lidar platform for OEMs and Tier1. The platform can provide the following benefits: 1. It is a more complete and comprehensive solution that can meet the needs of OEM and Tier1; 2. It is equipped with general architecture and standardized components to ensure risk reduction, increase the scalability of production, optimize costs and improve flexibility to meet a variety of lidar applications; 3 A scalable platform roadmap to ensure improved performance and optimized cost; 4. Be able to take advantage of the leading IP, expertise and support of technology leaders; in short, such benefits can increase the probability of success for leddartech customers and provide the safest and most feasible mass deployment path for ADAS & AD (advanced driving assistance system & Vehicle) applications. First, ledtartech and first sensor will work together to develop a lidar Evaluation Kit to demonstrate the technical concept of lidar at work and create a tool for Tier 1 and system integrators to enable them to build on leddarengine technology, first sensor APD (avalanche photodiode) and other ecosystem partners develop their own lidar technology. The evaluation tool will be mainly used for the application of automobile front lidar in highway driving, such as highway pilot and traffic jam assist. First sensor is a leading supplier of high-performance avalanche photodiodes and is currently developing APD based receiver sub modules for lidar assessment kits. This receiving sub module utilizes the patented leddarcore SOC of leddartech Gamma And leddarsp Gamma The signal processing software can capture the reflection pulse of the object in the field of view and provide the flight time data to present the 3D image containing the depth information.

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