It's confirmed that Renault will hire President Xiyate as CEO

Posted 2023-11-03 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

According to Agence France Presse and other media reports, after the board meeting, Renault group has listed Luca de MEO, the global president of the car group's West Yate brand, as the preferred candidate for the new CEO of Renault group. De Mayo has a deep relationship with Renault group, which provided his first job in his career. Since then, de Mayo has served in European auto companies and Fiat Group. In 2009, de Mayo joined the Volkswagen Group and began to serve as the marketing director of the Volkswagen Group and the Volkswagen brand. Later, he joined the joint stock company and became a member of Audi's management board, in charge of sales and marketing; in November 2015, de Mayo began to serve as president of siad, during which he successfully led the siad brand to turn losses into profits. De Mayo has strong communication ability and language talent. He can master Italian, English, French, German and Spanish. According to AFP, the main reason for de Mayo to stand out in the election campaign is that he has the support of the French government, a major shareholder of Renault group. A while ago, Bruno le Maire, France's finance minister, publicly stated that he preferred to select a professional from the automotive industry to be the CEO of Renault group. That's why de Mayo "beat" other competitors. "Although Renault group has a big family and a big business, it is not easy to dig people from the public." although Lang Youqing, concubines are not intended. Previously, under the scrutiny of various media, de Mayo made it clear that he was not interested in being CEO of Renault group, and siad "helped" de Mayo to show loyalty through a statement, which mentioned that "since he was appointed president of the company in 2015, Luca de Mayo has repeatedly expressed his full support for the development of siad." It is understood that de Mayo has signed a non competitive agreement with Volkswagen Group, and it is not easy to get him. If de Mayo finally chooses to stick to SIAT, Renault's CEO will be selected from parts supplier Patrick Koller, CEO of Faurecia Group, Henri POUPART Lafarge, CEO of Alstom, French transport infrastructure group and others. However, compared with de Mayo, the above potential candidates lack of experience in the main engine plant.

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