Is the methanol car that wants to overtake on a curve reliable?

Posted 2024-06-22 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Because of the uncertainty and diversity of the future, there are many paths for new energy vehicles, including pure electricity, hydrogen energy and so on. Methanol is also concerned because of its high conversion. Recently, a new power vehicle manufacturer also launched a methanol reforming battery system. The working principle of methanol reforming hydrogen fuel cell system, the electric energy conversion rate reaches an amazing 45%, so is methanol reliable? When it comes to methanol, we are not new. Its chemical formula is CH3OH or ch4o, mainly containing hydrogen, oxygen and carbon, which can generate carbon dioxide and water through combustion. Compared with gasoline, methanol has the characteristics of low calorific value, high oxygen content and high octane number. Its density is 0.79g/cm3, ignition point is 463.89 ℃, which is similar to gasoline; its calorific value is 22703kj / kg, only about half of gasoline. Using methanol as fuel has not been proposed in recent years. As early as the 1970s, in order to cope with the "oil crisis", the governments of western developed countries and automobile companies vigorously promoted the research, test and demonstration promotion of alcohol fuel vehicles. Technically speaking, the development of alcohol fuel has gone through early mixing (3% - 5% methanol and cosolvent are mixed in gasoline), low proportion alcohol gasoline fuel (10% ethanol is mixed in gasoline, which does not need to be modified, and is sold as gasoline in Europe and the United States), medium proportion alcohol gasoline fuel (M15), and m85-m90, high proportion methanol special and optimized alcohol fuel. At the same time, the world's major automobile factories have developed many different schemes of alcohol fuel vehicles, such as special optimized alcohol fuel cars, full alcohol fuel cars and so on. It is worth mentioning that methanol vehicles in the United States had a brilliant history. As early as the 1980s, the California government began to pay attention to the FFV with flexible fuel, which can burn M85 methanol and gasoline. This kind of vehicle can realize the flexible fuel of methanol and gasoline in the same tank. At the same time, the energy efficiency of methanol engine is even higher than that of gasoline engine, and the power attenuation with the same displacement is not serious. At the same time, in order to encourage the development of alternative fuels, the U.S. government even adopted the tax reduction policy of clean alternative fuel vehicles for many times during the Reagan and Bush administrations to support the development of methanol vehicles. In China, the research on methanol fuel started not too late, even in the 1970s and 1980s, researchers have carried out the research and application of methanol vehicles. After years of continuous exploration and research, a number of automobile and engine manufacturing enterprises, such as Geely Automobile, Shaanxi heavy automobile and Yutong automobile, have solved the key technical problems of corrosiveness, cold start and swelling of methanol fuel, and have the independent development ability of methanol automobile. In March 2019, the Ministry of industry and information technology and other eight ministries and commissions jointly issued the guidance on the application of methanol vehicles in some areas, encouraging Shanxi, Shaanxi, Guizhou, Gansu and other regions with good resource endowment and methanol vehicle operation experience to accelerate the application of M100 methanol vehicles. We will encourage the use of methanol vehicles in areas where conditions permit, in areas such as official business, leasing, and short-distance passenger transport. With the breakthrough of key technologies, the pilot work of methanol vehicles in China is also in full swing. According to statistics, since 2012, a total of 1024 methanol operating vehicles have been put into operation by relevant departments, with a total mileage of more than 184 million kilometers, a maximum mileage of more than 350000 kilometers for a single vehicle, and a total methanol fuel consumption of more than 24000 tons. Through statistical analysis of data, methanol as fuel can be safely used in motor vehicles. So, compared with ordinary fuel vehicles, what are the advantages of methanol vehicles? First of all, the raw materials are extensive, the preparation is convenient and more environmentally friendly. Compared with other kinds of new energy sources, methanol has the characteristics of low carbon, high oxygen content and high octane number. If it is used as alternative fuel for vehicles, it can effectively improve engine power. Methanol has a wide range of fuel sources. The raw materials for production are mainly coal, coke oven gas and natural gas. Even carbon dioxide can collect and regenerate methanol to realize the recycling of resources. At the same time, China is rich in coal reserves, in which high sulfur coal accounts for more than 40% of the total mining volume. This kind of coal is not suitable for direct power generation or industrial fuel, but can be directly used to produce methanol. According to statistics, at present, coal-based methanol accounts for about 75% in China. Other raw materials such as coke oven gas and coalbed methane can also be used to produce methanol. In 2017, the domestic methanol production capacity was 83.51 million tons, the production was 61.47 million tons, and the operating rate was about 74%, which was in the state of overcapacity. Furthermore, the development of methanol fuel can not only accelerate the development of related industries, but also promote the transformation and upgrading of coal industry. Relevant data show that the PM2.5 emission of methanol as vehicle fuel is 80-85% less than that of gasoline and diesel, 60-80% less than that of NOx and 75-90% less than that of carbon monoxide. Not only that, methanol vehicles also concentrate the advantages of low aldehyde and ketone emissions of gasoline vehicles and low benzene emissions of diesel vehicles. Secondly, the technical problems of methanol fuel are solved and the practicability is improved. For a long time, because of the low calorific value of methanol and its corrosiveness to engine, it can not be directly used as internal combustion engine fuel. Previously, methanol was only mixed in gasoline in a small proportion and used as methanol gasoline. Since 2005, the research and development of methanol vehicle technology has been carried out for automobiles, and breakthroughs have been made in many key technologies, such as cold start at low temperature, development of methanol resistant materials, and development of methanol engine. In addition, the liquid methanol can be well compatible with the existing gas station system. Compared with the construction and hydrogenation stations, the popularity of this smooth transition is easier to improve. Now, in the streets of Xi'an, Guiyang and other cities, we can see the methanol taxi of Geely Dihao to pick up customers. The data shows that the taxi using methanol fuel needs to be filled with 10l-12l methanol for one hundred kilometers. According to the calculation of 1.9 yuan / L methanol, it costs 19 yuan to 22 yuan per hundred kilometers. For taxis with gasoline, the fuel consumption of 100 km is about 8L to 9L. According to the calculation of 6.76 yuan / L gasoline (Beijing data), the cost of 100 km is 54.08 yuan to 60.84 yuan. Methanol fuel saves about 35 yuan per 100 kilometers compared with traditional gasoline. It shows strong economy and practicability. On the other hand, China's current car ownership is 240 million, which consumes more than 500 million tons of gasoline a year, 70% of which depends on it. The automobile gasoline is made by blending and refining the straight fraction and the secondary processing fraction and adding necessary additives, which is bound to limit the scope of gasoline price decline in China. With the further increase of car ownership, there will inevitably be some problems. The rising oil price will inevitably lead to the increase of the use cost. This relatively high degree of external dependence is not conducive to the stability of people's livelihood. The main raw materials of the fuel used in methanol vehicles are coal and natural gas. China has abundant reserves, which can not only achieve fuel self-sufficiency, but also achieve cost controllability and achieve two goals with one stone. Third, with policy support, key regions promote the "landing" of methanol vehicles. As early as 2009, China has promulgated and implemented the national standard of vehicle fuel methanol. The standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules and signs, packaging, transportation, storage and safety of methanol as a vehicle fuel, which lays a foundation for the popularization and application of methanol vehicles. With the standards in place, what is the development status of methanol vehicles around the world? In Guiyang City, in order to facilitate the maintenance of methanol taxi users, a special green service channel has been set up in the local methanol automobile service station. It is understood that the service station will carry out periodic special inspection of alcohol related parts according to the mileage of the vehicle, including the inspection of fuel injection guide rail, special methanol filter, methanol pump and methanol level sensor, so as to achieve the fixed cycle cleaning Regular replacement to ensure smooth operation of methanol vehicles and improve driver satisfaction. For the characteristics of long-term operation of taxis and high road failure rate, a 24-hour road rescue service team has been set up in the methanol automobile service station. In case of failure, the rescue team will respond quickly and start quickly, and promise to the methanol taxi users that they will arrive in the main urban area within 30 minutes and in the suburbs within 60 minutes, with the rescue satisfaction requirement reaching 100%. In Xi'an City, all users who purchase, register and use methanol vehicles within the city's jurisdiction can enjoy subsidies, 10000 yuan for each heavy truck and 5000 yuan for each passenger vehicle. At the same time, Xi'an will continue to promote and apply 10000 M100 methanol taxis. At the same time, administrative institutions and public service institutions at all levels are encouraged to give priority to the purchase of methanol vehicles. In terms of supporting facilities, 45 M100 methanol filling stations will be built in Xi'an in the near future to facilitate fuel filling. At the same time, Xi'an has also established a methanol fuel price control mechanism suitable for the development of methanol vehicle market. According to the principle that the fuel cost per kilometer of M100 methanol vehicle is basically the same as the existing gas cost of natural gas taxi, the government has adopted a way to stabilize the methanol fuel price. Just as new energy vehicles need the support of national industrial policies to speed up, so does the development of methanol vehicles. The implementation of the policy is a process of paving the way and leading the way. The key areas focus on the launch, which also shows the government's prudence in promoting methanol vehicles. As the exploration and promotion of local new energy vehicles, formaldehyde vehicles make full use of the advantages of China's natural resources. In my opinion, the emergence of methanol vehicle is more like a challenger of new energy than a follower. It can be predicted that the development of methanol fuel is an important sign of fuel diversification in China. Methanol vehicle is a new energy vehicle based on our own energy endowment. How to correctly guide its large-scale development and occupy a place in the new energy field in the future, we still need to step up step by step.

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