In the winter of new energy market, Honda's horsepower is fully open. What courage and vision it is!

Posted 2024-05-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

As we can see, the development of domestic new energy automobile industry has reached a turning point. The EV route that most car companies have been insisting on before, after the decline, the sales volume also declined rapidly. According to the statistics of China Automobile Association, since July, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China has declined for four consecutive months year-on-year, and the year-on-year decline in October is even 45.6%, without any sign of slowing down. The growth rate of domestic new energy vehicles was - 4.7% in July, - 15.8% in August and - 34.2% in September. By October, the growth rate was almost cut! The once hot new energy industry suddenly entered a cold winter. It is an urgent task for every car enterprise at this stage to find an electric scheme that is not controlled by policies and survives by its own technical strength. At this time, the "technology control" attribute has brought not only the existing achievements and the latest achievements of the electric technology, but also a clear electric road map. In Guangzhou auto show, where the taste of "selling cars" is more and more strong, Honda China's booth is undoubtedly the most worthy place to stop. The focus of Honda China's exhibition is not a certain model, but the comprehensive display of electric technology. In this small booth, there is not a new car in the real sense, everything you see is related to technology. Among them, the clarity PHEV and the clarity fuel cell represent Honda's most cutting-edge electric technology and thinking about future travel. In the stand, the x-nv is specially designed for the Chinese market. Together with the sister model VE-1, it forms Honda's product camp at this stage. In addition, there are electric motorcycle v-go moped and electric scooter transcooter built by Honda to meet the user's free movement pleasure. This series of electric products have the same technical gene - high efficiency, convenience, and distinct differentiation advantages. It is the currently widely used hybrid technology that forms the basis of this technical gene. In Honda i-mmd hybrid system, there is no traditional mechanical coupling mechanism between the motor and the motor, the main driving source is the motor, and all kinds of driving modes are coordinated through PCU, which makes the whole system has a high scalability. With this year's launch of Allison sharp hybrid and Odyssey sharp hybrid, Honda has 6 models on sale with i-mmd dual motor hybrid system in the Chinese market, including cars, high-end models in three fields, forming the largest HEV camp in China. Up to now, the monthly sales volume of honda hybrid vehicles has exceeded 15000, and maintained a continuous upward momentum. Such sales performance is the result of active market choice on the premise of almost no policy support. First, we should do a good job in hybrid, and then develop to a diversified electric route, from hybrid to pure electric vehicle type launch to PHEV technology research and development, Honda's electric development ideas are very clear. While other car companies are still hesitating on various electric routes, Honda has come out of a long way with confidence, not only from the recognition of the market, but also from its profound technical strength. There are many kinds of plug-in hybrid models in China, but there are many common problems, the most obvious is that the energy consumption is not low when the power is not low. The comprehensive fuel consumption of most PHEV models is considerable, but in the case of electricity shortage, the actual fuel consumption is not much lower than that of ordinary fuel vehicles, and the electromechanical coupling is not good, even higher than that of ordinary fuel vehicles. At this Guangzhou auto show, the clarity PHEV exhibited by Honda not only solves the problem of energy consumption, but also has the performance of far surpassing similar products in pure electric endurance distance. At present, although the clarity PHEV has not been introduced into the domestic market, its technology is the most important point. The clarity PHEV is equipped with Honda sport hybrid e + plug-in hybrid system. Its technical basis comes from the i-mmd dual motor hybrid architecture. In the original technical framework, Honda upgraded its four major components, including motor, electric control and engine, making it a more extreme plug-in and mixing system. The power system of clarity PHEV is based on the upgrading of i-mmd hybrid system. In addition to the battery capacity increasing to 17kwh, the drive motor has also realized 23% miniaturization, which has increased the power density by 40% and the torque density by 30%. Because the power of VCU is optimized in PCU, the pure electric driving mileage of clarity PHEV can reach 110km (jc08 working condition in Japan), and the maximum speed of pure electric drive can reach 160km! Both of these data surpass the Prius mix. In the more stringent EPA test, the pure electric range of clarity plug-in hybrid is about 76km, almost twice that of Toyota Prius plug-in hybrid (the pure electric range of EPA is 40km). Therefore, sport hybrid e + is known as an infinitely close pure electric system. EPA test data shows that even if the battery is not charged all the time, the fuel consumption of clarity PHEV is only 42mpg, equivalent to 5.6l/100km, which is very close to the data of Hybrid Version (47mpg, 5L / 100km), solving the problem of high energy consumption when PHEV is in power shortage. According to Honda's plan, sport hybrid e + plug-in system will be officially introduced into China in 2020. The first model to be carried is likely to be the current big sale of accord. The combination of mature models and advanced technology always has strong vitality. However, what is Honda's ambition with its technological advantages? When other car companies are still struggling with the acceleration of electric vehicles, they have come up with a set of unequal advantages -- the battery car of clarity fuel cell (FCV). Among the global automobile enterprises, it is not only Toyota but also Honda that vigorously develops hydrogen fuel cell technology. This exhibition's clarity fuel cell can be said to be the most technologically advanced model in the whole auto show. With the indicator of "3 minutes of hydrogenation and 750km of endurance", the clarity fuel cell is enough to kill all electric vehicles at present. Even V3 can only drive more than 300 kilometers in 15 minutes. The charging time is 5 times of that of clarity fuel cell, and the endurance mileage is less than half. This is the leading position of hydrogen fuel cell technology. It only takes three minutes to supplement the primary energy. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are fundamentally different from pure electric vehicles in terms of ease of use. In fact, Honda has been working on hydrogen fuel cells since the 1980s. Today's clarity fuel cell is the third generation car. The biggest change is to store all components of the power assembly (including motor, hydrogen fuel cell stack and electronic control module) in the engine compartment. Compared with the former FCX and Toyota Mirai, the space layout of clarity fuel cell can be effectively optimized by placing the hydrogen fuel cell stack in the engine compartment. It is worth noting that Honda's clarity fuel cell is the only 5-seat hydrogen fuel cell car at present. This is definitely a revolutionary design. At present, the mass production FCV models will place fuel cell stacks in the middle of the vehicle body, which will lead to a great compression of the ride space. Honda's engineers have thinned the fuel cell unit by 20% and reduced the volume of the battery stack by 33%. It can not only integrate with the motor, but also further improve the energy density of the fuel cell to 3.1kw/l, which is the highest in the industry at present. At present, the energy density of the hydrogen fuel cell stack has reached the world's highest 3.1kw/l, which can achieve the maximum output power of 130kW and peak torque of 300N ยท M. In this way, the interior space of the clarity full cell is the same as that of a B-class car, which is the application of the cutting-edge technology of Honda mm concept (mechanical space minimization, member space maximization). What is more important is that under the EPA condition, the energy consumption level of CLARITY FUEL CELL is better than that of TOYOTA Mirai and the latest hydrogen fuel cell vehicle Nexo, which is another affirmation of its advanced technology. Maybe you have such doubts. The market of new energy vehicles is in a period of rapid decline. Honda is only pushing PHEV and ev now. Is it a little late? However, the construction of domestic hydrogen energy industry is not perfect. There are only six hydrogenation stations in operation nationwide. Is it too early to promote hydrogen fuel cell vehicles? It can't be denied that catering to market hot spots is an instinctive response of every car enterprise, but the so-called market hot spots are sometimes driven by policies rather than the real needs of consumers. Take a look at the new energy market data. In the first half of this year, the market of new energy vehicles appeared to be booming, with the cumulative sales volume increasing by 49.6% over the same period of last year, compared with a 9.3% decline in overall passenger vehicles. But when the new energy policy was implemented on June 25, the market immediately responded in July - down 4.2% year on year and 48% month on month! After leaving, the sales volume will be cut at once. Is there anything better to highlight the vulnerability of the new energy vehicle market? As of September this year, the completion rate of sales volume of new energy, new energy, and other vehicle enterprises is below 50%, and the completion rate of new force vehicle enterprises is even worse. This shows that the market acceptance of new energy vehicles is far lower than the manufacturer's estimate. Directly speaking, consumers only buy new energy vehicles because of license plates, subsidies and other reasons. Few of them actually buy new energy vehicles because of their good products and technologies. In Honda's values, it is impossible to launch some responsive models in order to meet the so-called market demand. To create a good product that really benefits users is always its first priority. In this way, we may miss some market advantages, but in return, we will get high user satisfaction. This has been clearly reflected in Honda's previous product strategy. When the market is hot for 7-seat SUVs, Honda did not blindly follow up. They think that Alison and Odyssey are the most practical 7-seat vehicles. Now the 7-seat SUVs are no longer hot, and the two MPVS of Honda still stand firm. Similarly, Honda is not the first to push turbocharged models - it's a little late, but now Honda's turbocharged models, whether in performance or market Popularity, can be seen, Siyu and accord is the best example. Honda never follows the trend. Every product they launch is what users really need. No matter in the era of fuel vehicles or electric vehicles, this value will not change. Therefore, in the process of electrification, Honda also chooses the hybrid model with the lowest user acceptance threshold as the entry point. When the user group accumulates to a certain scale, a brand image of high technology, high quality and high reliability will naturally appear. Now, the new energy market has entered a new period of differentiation - not only leaving subsidies, but also a period of rapid change in consumer cognition. People have gradually come to realize that a good electric vehicle doesn't have to "break 100" in 4 seconds, and the sense of safety and quality is more important. A good plug-in hybrid vehicle can't just pursue pure electric range, but also pay attention to the level of energy consumption in the state of electricity shortage. Clarity PHEV is a well thought out product. Driving sense and energy consumption are the key points, and they are also the most important ones for users. In such an environment, models that do not adapt to the market will be quickly eliminated, and products that really pay attention to technical strength will usher in greater opportunities for development. For Honda, this is undoubtedly the best time to further expand the electrification camp. Zeng Yuqun, chairman of the board of directors, had previously predicted that by 2025, the electrification rate in the domestic automobile market would exceed 25%. However, in Honda's plan, "more than 20 electric vehicles will be launched in the Chinese market by 2025, and the proportion of electrification should be

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