Ideal to replace the rear suspension and seats for early owners free of charge

Posted 2021-02-21 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Recently, the founder and CEO of ideal car announced three hardware improvement plans of ideal one on the live platform, including free replacement of seats, rear suspension and introduction of affordable fixed pedals for some early delivery owners. In addition, Li Xiang also revealed that the car engine system of ideal one will be greatly updated on April 28. Regarding the seat replacement plan, Li Xiang said that some of the ideal one seats delivered in December and January last year were hard, and the ideal car decided to replace the seats for these owners free of charge. At that time, the ideal car will define the soft and hard seats through special instruments, and replace the seats for the unqualified models. However, Li Xiang also stressed that the new seats will remain "comfortable and hard style". With regard to the rear suspension replacement plan, Li Xiang said that some owners have reported that the rear suspension of the ideal one is hard in sports mode. To solve this problem, the ideal car will upgrade the rear suspension free of charge for vehicles delivered before April, which will improve comfort, noise performance and handling slightly. Specific replacement details are expected to be released by the end of April. In view of the problem that the floor of the ideal one car cabin is on the high side, some owners put forward the hope that the ideal car can launch the electric pedal. Li Xiang said that due to the design of the middle part of the chassis of the ideal one, if an electric foot pedal is added, the safety of the vehicle will be affected, causing damage to the battery when side impact occurs. However, ideal car also came up with another solution, which is to launch a fixed pedal together with partners in the future to ensure safety and improve the convenience of getting on and off the car. The fixed foot pedal is expected to be provided at the end of the third quarter or the beginning of the fourth quarter, and the added foot pedal will not affect the vehicle warranty. It is worth mentioning that Li Xiang also revealed in this live broadcast that the latest OTA of the car engine system was on April 28. We have already reported the specific update (transmission gate), so we will not go into details here. For the latest information about the ideal car, please keep an eye on the follow-up report of car house.

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