How can Euler get the first chance in the era of "post subsidy"

Posted 2024-06-20 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

The new energy market is entering a new stage. On March 26 of this year, the notice on further improving the promotion and application finance of new energy vehicles issued by the four ministries and commissions of the Central Committee showed that the subsidy amount of passenger vehicles was half less than that in 2018, which was almost "cliff type", exceeding the general expectation of the market. Affected by the decline of subsidies, the domestic new energy market has seen a year-on-year decline for four consecutive months. In October, the sales volume of new energy narrow sense passenger vehicles was 65000, nearly halved on a year-on-year basis, with a decrease of 45.4%; in the first 10 months, the cumulative sales volume was 844000, with a year-on-year increase of 17%. According to a surprising data, among the 191 new energy vehicles listed by the Federation, 88 of them have a sales volume of 0, accounting for nearly 50%. We should know that although China is the largest new energy consumption country in the world, from the perspective of product cycle, depth and breadth, China's new energy consumption market is still in the early stage of development affected by policies. However, although the change of the policy makes the sales volume of the new energy market decline and the market competition more fierce, from policy orientation to market competition, a mature market can not only develop under the "shelter" of the policy. When the market is changing from policy oriented to market-oriented, only those models with real competitiveness can become the future of China's new energy industry, and brand is one of them. When the whole market is declining, Euler is bucking the trend. According to the sales data in October, the traditional sales magic weapon "golden nine silver ten" has not fully worked, only a few enterprises have achieved growth, but Euler has performed well. From January to October this year, Euler has sold 33960 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 476.9%. Among them, the sales volume of Euler R1 reached 24194, and that of Euler IQ reached 9766. Although such a large increase is due to the launch of new cars, it is necessary to know that in the four consecutive months of year-on-year decline in the market, no matter whether it is new or old models, there is a risk of being eliminated. But the more competitive the market is, the more capable it seems that Euler will be. With R1 and IQ models, Euler brand is the only new energy vehicle brand that has entered the top 6 of the industry with only two products in one year. Not only that, Euler R1 is also the first model with the growth rate of A00 market segment, and it is in a monopoly position among the 70000-80000 yuan class trams. Although in today's market segments, in addition to Feidu, polo and sail, most of them have become the sacrifice of consumption upgrading and struggle to survive in the shrinking market, it is clear that Euler R1 is bursting out on this old tree. In the world of adults, there is no easy word; in the post era, it is by chance that China's new energy market has not been successful. Behind the reverse growth of Euler is the great efforts of the whole Euler brand, even the whole car. Over the past decade, the Great Wall has spent tens of billions of yuan to study the development of new energy, intelligent networking and other cutting-edge technologies, and build a new energy exclusive platform and series of products. The me platform adopted by Euler is the result of many years' efforts. Great Wall Motor refuses to use the lower cost "oil to electricity" transition method, and directly adopts a new forward R & D platform. As the exclusive pure electric platform built by great wall for Euler, me platform combines the advanced technology of intelligent network connection from chassis to interior and exterior decoration, and has made substantive breakthroughs in space, safety and efficiency. This has laid a solid foundation for the popularity of Euler brand. With the development of forward platform, Euler has more plasticity. From brand positioning to product research and development, the platform supports the understanding of the new energy car of the city. Under the combination of the two, Euler R1 has a light and flexible body, and the 351km long NEDC comprehensive endurance capability is the leading level in the same price model. Without the restriction of technology, what kind of design consumers need can be applied, making Euler R1 become a city car with good use, good driving and good parking. In the face of traffic congestion and parking problems, it puts forward new solutions, and also makes it an outstanding representative of the "new generation of electric car". Not only the product force, but also the combination of the positive platform with marketing and market positioning, which has burst out the energy that other brands have never had, and the final result is that Euler R1 has become the "good heart" of new urban youth. Euler never thought of R1 as a car. "Think of Euler R1 as an electronic product." As vice president of Great Wall Motors, Ning Shuyong, who is in charge of Euler brand, told reporters on the scene of the bustling 2019china joy. That day, Euler released the first Euler virtual character Euler sauce on the scene of CJ. This is an innovative "play method". No brand has ever held such a conference, and what Euler wants to do is to truly reach the hearts of young consumers. As young people become the main consumers, Euler clearly realizes that if he wants to get more long-term vitality, he must give what he wants. Different from the previous generation, this generation of young people was born in a strong era, known as the "indigenous people of the Internet". They do not worry about eating, drinking and playing, but are more keen to pursue personality, quality and freshness. Starting from the establishment of "only me camp" for fans' communication channels, Euler and fans are on a more and more smooth road in their business: building a children's Guardian alliance with 360, calling on the society to pay attention to children's travel safety, embodying the brand image of being brave to bear social responsibility; to solve the problem of users' charging pain and improve their car use experience, joining hands with mainstream enterprises such as State Grid and southern power grid to establish "Euler super charging" "Electricity alliance" has become the driving force of cross brand cooperation in the industry. Through grounding activities such as beauty Research Institute, driving training camp, Euler agent, etc., it brings fans a sense of participation, belonging and satisfaction, and further improves community loyalty. The formation of this emotional experience, in turn, has become a powerful driving force to enhance the stickiness of Euler users, which helps to enhance the brand influence. This time, Euler made the "winning car" of the refitting car competition appear in the auto show. These modified multicolored cars are based on the commercial version of Euler R1. The new energy models and retro design no longer imitate and follow this post doctrine style, but also create a new culture of new energy cars. From beetle, mini to Fiat 500, each car has its own story, and for Euler R1, it is constantly writing its own new story. But Euler didn't stop. What he thought more was how to let more people know and feel Euler. In this mode of thinking, Euler burst out a creative idea never before: cooperation with millet. There has never been a cooperation between car companies and Xiaomi. Generally, we don't associate cars with mobile phones and electronic brands, but when the real two parties rent together, it shows a unique effect. Euler and Xiaomi will fully open all kinds of preferential benefits and convenient services provided by the gold brokers of Euler for 300 million rice noodles, and promote the complementary advantages and resources of both sides to achieve mutual benefit, win-win results and common development. Based on Xiaomi's intelligent ecological layout and the coming of the first year of 5g business, the two sides also said that they would reach in-depth cooperation in user business linkage, new retail channel co construction, IOT Internet of things services, 5g and AI application scenario ecological services. Although the cooperation between the two seems to be a concept, it means that Euler's user business system ushered in a new development mode, and will officially enter the user business system 2.0 stage. Not only in the future, Euler will have the support of Xiaomi whole system in channels, software and hardware, which will also be more dynamic. Never thought that Euler is like this, and never thought that Great Wall Motor would have such a huge change. Euler is not a traditional car brand, but an innovative experience combined with lifestyle. And behind innovative marketing is a strong product force. On November 26, China Quality Association held a press conference to release the third China new energy vehicle quality forum and 2019 new energy vehicle user satisfaction evaluation results to the media and the whole society. In the results of new energy vehicle user satisfaction assessment (cacsi) announced at the conference site, Euler R1 won the first place in the comprehensive customer satisfaction of pure electric A00 market. The reason why Euler R1 can be recognized by many car owners is inseparable from Euler's ingenuity in making high-quality new energy cars, the clear positioning of the brand itself and the precise layout of the product line. And to become the most satisfactory A00 new energy vehicle in the eyes of users is more from Euler's deep cultivation of user management strategy and the importance of each owner. 2020 is the first year for the C-end market of China's new energy vehicles to break out, and it is also the year for Euler to attack comprehensively, which will usher in faster development. At this year's Guangzhou auto show, Euler has already made some moves, announcing the launch of the more affordable Euler R 1301km endurance version. After the subsidy of new cars, the national unified price is 69800 yuan. The entry of this new car into the market means that Euler directly enters into the most competitive price range of electric cars and begins to follow the competitive product head to head. Ning Shuyong said that what Euler hopes to achieve is user demand orientation - what the market needs, what users want and like, Euler will do. This means that in the future, Euler will not only have A00 and A0 class cars, but also be able to make larger class cars and even launch compact cars. Euler's success is not accidental, but from the first paper of platform design, the first brainstorming of brand positioning, the first off-line activities and fan exchanges, to the first key delivered to consumers. What Euler has achieved is not only the innovation of the whole industry chain, but also a new era of China's new energy vehicles. How to get the first chance in the era of "post subsidy"? Euler's answer has been clear, with strong platform plasticity, customer-oriented design, precise marketing and positioning, and respect for every consumer. From now on, in the increasingly competitive new energy market, Euler brand is obviously full of confidence.

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