Germany plans to build 50000 charging piles in the next three years

Posted 2024-09-07 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Recently, at a "auto summit" jointly held by the German government and the auto industry, the German government announced that it was ready to invest 3.5 billion euros for the construction of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and reached an agreement with auto companies, announcing that 50000 new cars will be built in China in the next three years. In addition, in line with the previous "climate protection plan 2030", the German government also plans to build 1 million charging piles in China by 2030. Both sides agreed that expanding the charging infrastructure construction is the fundamental to popularize electric vehicles and promote the transformation of German automobile industry. In order to achieve this goal, the Ministry of transport of Germany will issue the corresponding charging infrastructure construction planning details by the end of this year. The German government plans to build 1000 fast charging outlets and more charging facilities in business districts, public parking lots and other places to stimulate the consumption of electric vehicles in the short term. In addition, German car companies will build a total of 15000 charging facilities in their factories and 4S stores; the German government also plans to install charging facilities in all gas stations. To promote the development of new energy vehicles, in addition to increasing infrastructure construction, increasing car purchase subsidies is also an important means. Not long ago, the German government announced plans to increase the quota of electric vehicles or models by 50%, up to 6000 euros per vehicle. Half of the subsidy will be borne by the main engine factory, dealers, etc., and the other half by the German government. According to the calculation, the number of electric vehicles that can enjoy this subsidy will reach 650000 to 700000, with a total subsidy of up to 4 billion euros. After 2020, European emission standards will be more and more strict, and major car companies are trying to increase the sales of electric vehicles.

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