Fast charging Australian electric vehicle ushers in the era of fast charging

Posted 2024-06-07 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Recently, chargefox, a network provider of charging infrastructure, and NRMA, a driver's Association, jointly established a fast electric vehicle charging station in Sydney, Australia, with two 350kW charging piles and one 50KW charging pile. The charging station has been put into operation. This fast charging station can charge three electric vehicles at the same time. The driving range of 400km can be increased in 15 minutes by using 350kW charging pile, while the driving range of 60km can be increased in 15 minutes by using 50KW charging station. Chargefox plans to build a nationwide network of charging stations in Australia, including 21 on major interstate highways, and reduce the standard charging time of electric vehicles to 15 minutes. Previously, chargefox has received an external investment of US $15 million to build a 350kW fast charging station. Driven by government policies, the Australian electric vehicle market is growing, and the construction of charging infrastructure is also expanding. At present, it only takes two 15 minute fast charging to drive an electric vehicle from Sydney to Brisbane. Therefore, the construction of charging infrastructure is very important. Australia is now trying to unify standards and solve the problem of cross jurisdictional public charging.

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