Face to face and question didi president Liu Qing's dialogue with driver representative

Posted 2024-08-17 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

On November 26, Didi platform held the open day activity of "driver service report meeting 2019". The main purpose of the activity is to report the progress of work in 2019 by business leaders of relevant departments of Didi, and listen to and answer the most concerned questions of online car Hailing drivers. 50 representatives of online car Hailing drivers from more than 30 cities communicated face-to-face with Liu Qing, President of didi travel, Fu Qiang, CEO of online car Hailing platform, and representatives of other departments through interaction and scoring. Following the public consultation, transparency and transparency, media opening day and make complaints about the Tucao conference, this is a further exchange event held in 2019. In the face of the driver's questions and complaints, evasion can never solve the problem, and open and transparent communication is the best way. "Didi is not only a science and technology innovation enterprise, but also a social service enterprise, and the fundamental thing to serve good users is to serve good drivers, and the platform is willing to accept everyone's supervision," said Didi's CEO through remote video At the scene, some drivers also raised a series of problems, such as less orders or unreasonable passengers falling into disputes. Through the previous voting on 700000 didi drivers across the country, the platform listed four drivers' most concerned issues, including what is the platform's delivery rules, what is the impact of reputation value and service score on orders, whether the platform's judgment is fair and accurate, and cheating drivers How to get effective supervision of the platform, etc. In this regard, the heads of transaction strategy department, driver service department, driver rules department and anti cheating Strategy Department respectively reported their work in 2019 and answered the above questions. In the future, the platform will carry out suggestive scheduling for drivers, reasonably control the order heat, and launch the function of "scheduling red packet"; further carry out human-oriented assessment on the reputation value and service score of drivers, so as to facilitate compliance drivers to achieve real functions such as "snatching orders nearby and dispatching orders along the road"; upgrade software technology, so that drivers can improve the experience of using app; crack down on cheating software in all aspects Pieces and so on. In addition, Fu Qiang, CEO of didi travel network car Hailing platform, said in his speech that after more than five years of operation, the merger of all didi network car Hailing platforms was finally completed in 2018. This year, the platform has added driver service department and recruited nearly 2000 driver service managers nationwide. They have provided offline safety and service training for millions of drivers, and can solve the problems and difficulties they encounter in the operation process for drivers in real time. "Fu Qiang, CEO of didi travel network car Hailing platform", currently, Didi travel operates about 20-30 million times a day in the country, from the earliest "one hopes passengers can take a taxi conveniently" to the present "carrying the whole service process of both the company and the passenger", Didi platform deepens the matching of supply and demand, forming a relatively complete service system. For didi platform, many demands and starting points of drivers and passengers are different, so it is difficult to satisfy everyone on both sides in terms of rules and regulations, responsibility determination, etc. Liu Qing also mentioned in his speech that the platform maintains a "zero tolerance" attitude towards the integration of people and evidence, minors' driving and other aspects due to safety and other considerations, but sometimes, there is also a "rule and emotion" conflict. At the same time, she also admitted that she was often questioned for being "straightforward" in public speeches. But it is precisely because of her forthright character that she has the courage to face the doubt and the public. Liu Qing, President of didi travel, actually, before the activity officially started, the host first introduced the regular safety instructions to everyone, and took image protection measures for colleagues in the anti cheating department. These meticulous details, on the one hand, reflect the importance of didi platform for safety and rules; on the other hand, also reveal the prudence and anxiety of the largest domestic travel platform.

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