Electric cars can't be mainstream in a short time! Honda CEO: we focus on Hybrid

Posted 2025-02-13 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

According to autonews, CEO baxiang Longhong said in a recent media interview that electric vehicles will not become the mainstream in a short period of time, and market and policy factors need to be taken into account for the launch of technology. "At this stage, the number of infrastructure of electric vehicles is still relatively small, and there is not much breakthrough in power and other hardware, so it will not increase dramatically, and it will not become a mainstream model in a short time," said baxiang Longhong At the same time, Mr. baxiang stressed: "Honda's goal is to reduce carbon emissions, not to produce electric vehicles for the sake of owning them, so the system will also be Honda's key development direction.". Still, he said Honda would continue to invest in electric vehicles. At present, Europe and this region are vigorously developing electric vehicles. In order to open up the market, Honda will continue to develop pure electric vehicles. It is understood that Honda is trying to promote the electric plan overseas, and plans to fully electrify Europe by 2020. Its main sales volume may come from hybrid vehicles, rather than pure electric vehicles. Compared with 70 electric vehicles launched in the next decade, the output is 22 million; at least 10 electric vehicles will be launched in the next decade. Honda didn't have a radical electric car plan. Its goal was to reduce carbon emissions, not to stick to developing electric cars.

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