Didi announced to adjust the price of Tianjin online car hailing from 15th

Posted 2024-01-09 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

On December 8, Didi travel pushed "didi Tianjin online car rental price adjustment announcement" on the driver's side, announcing that it will adjust Tianjin online car rental price from December 15. Didi's price adjustment will be carried out in a time-sharing manner. In terms of express charge, six districts in Tianjin and Binhai New Area charge 11 to 14.3 yuan according to the starting price of five periods, and mileage charge 2.2 to 2.86 yuan per kilometer. Dongli District, Jinnan District, Xiqing District and Beichen District charge 10.5 to 12 yuan according to the starting price of five periods, and mileage charge 2 to 2.5 yuan per kilometer. Wuqing District, Jinghai District, Baodi District, Jizhou district and Ninghe District charge from 9.5 yuan to 11 yuan according to the starting price of five periods, and the mileage charge from 1.7 yuan to 2.1 yuan per kilometer. If the distance is more than 10 km, an additional distance fee of 0.4 yuan / km will be charged. If the distance is more than 15 km, an additional distance fee of 0.5 yuan / km will be charged. If the distance is more than 30 km, an additional distance fee of 0.7 yuan / km will be charged. In addition, the price of "Youxiang" and "limousine" will be adjusted accordingly. In terms of premium cars, the starting price is 15 yuan from 23:00 to 6:00, the starting price for the rest of the time is 13 yuan, and the mileage fee is 2.3 yuan to 3.3 yuan per kilometer; in terms of limousine, the starting price is 14.5 yuan and 15 yuan according to different periods, and the mileage fee is 2.4 yuan and 3.4 yuan per kilometer. Didi said that the price of car hailing in Tianjin didi network was adjusted according to the change of market supply-demand relationship and the change of income level of the same industry, so as to encourage drivers to drive to meet the travel needs of passengers. With the development of Tianjin's economy, the level of urban consumption and income is also rising. Moderate price adjustment will encourage drivers to drive to meet the growing demand of passengers. After the price adjustment, Tianjin didi network car rates are still lower than Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities.

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