Development of printed circuit board stator motor

Posted 2024-01-23 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

A few days ago, a company called infinitum electric invented a kind of motor with PCB stator. According to the official introduction, compared with the traditional motor stator, PCB stator saves a lot of materials, and its biggest contribution is lighter weight and smaller volume. Infinitum Electric is an electric company dedicated to motor research and development. On December 5, 2019 local time, the company has completed the B round financing of 12.5 million US dollars (about 88.09 million yuan), which also makes the company plan to produce the first batch of products in June 2020. The company's technology is to replace the traditional motor stator with printed circuit board stator, which requires less raw materials, lighter weight and smaller volume. Ben Schuler, CEO of infinitum electric, said that under the same power, the weight of the motor equipped with new stator can be reduced by 90% compared with the traditional motor. In addition, the scheme can also integrate the sensor related to the motor. In terms of working efficiency, the efficiency of the new motor is about 10% higher than that of the same level of products.

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