Continental development of new contact sensor system to detect low speed impact

Posted 2023-11-10 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

According to foreign media reports, the mainland has developed a new cossy (contact sensor system), which can detect low-speed contact between vehicles and people or objects, filling the gap in the field of automobile sensors. Cossy can detect the low-speed impact according to the received sound signal, and make the car stop immediately. The new system provides redundant signal paths for functional safety, and can detect objects other than short range detection cones of other sensor types. The cossy solution can also be expanded, typically consisting of two to 12 onboard sensors. When the cossy sensor is installed on the vehicle, its signal can cover a wide range of application scenarios, such as detecting malicious damage (scrape) or low-speed parking collision events, because these types of collisions have specific sound characteristics. Cossy also supports other functions, including road observation, voice recognition of drivers, and detection of approaching emergency vehicles. In addition, cossy also supports communication with the vehicle through touch, for example, an authenticated driver can activate the automatic door opening function only by tapping the door. Laurent Fabre, head of passive safety & sensors business, said, "structure and air generated sound are signals that provide valuable, real-time information about the environment around the vehicle. Cossy can identify a variety of touch modes. For example, when a low-speed automatic parking car collides with an obstacle, it will generate a structure generated sound, thus triggering a warning. And after cossy is installed in the vehicle, its detection principle can be used to add more functions, so as to improve driving safety and comfort. " Structure generated sound has been used in passive security system architecture for many years. Crash impact sound sensors can detect the sound of physical collision. Continental has developed a new miniaturized sound sensor based on its years of collision sensor technology to detect low-speed touch. "Low speed touch is a different type of structured sound signal," said Andreas Forster, next generation technical manager, passive safety sensors business unit, Continental In the future, cossy can also provide additional signal paths to detect road conditions. The sound of water on the road hitting the vehicle structure can be used to remind the risk of slipping. The sensor has a unique design and can also analyze air generated sound, which will help detect approaching emergency vehicles. Cossy can also use Doppler effect to detect the driving direction of approaching vehicles. The first generation of cossy solutions can use the structure to generate sound to alert the vehicle to touch objects when parking automatically. "The solution can be used in this scenario, for example when a person is approaching a vehicle but does not enter a detection cone of other sensors, such as ultrasound or radar," Forster explains It is expected that around 2022, automatic parking will be widely used, and this new sensor technology will follow the trend. The sensor transmits the signal to the central processing system, which can be a special electronic control unit (ECU) or integrated into the existing ECU, such as airbag control unit. The structure generated sound can also be used as a source of information for other applications. If a parked vehicle is dented or scratched, the cossy sensor will time stamp the accident. The sensor signal can also wake up the corresponding camera, shoot the accident scene, or send an alarm to make other drivers aware of the touch accident, or send information to the known smart phone, which helps to prevent people from damaging the vehicle and avoid unintentional hit and run. Car rental companies can easily check whether the car is in good condition when it is returned.

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