Competing for the rural market: the business experience of "Maodou new cars"

Posted 2024-08-12 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Photo source: "I chose to buy a new car through Maodou's new car. The main reason is that I can only pay 10% of the down payment. The payment pressure is relatively small." Small town youth Zhang Yuan (alias) said so. Zhang Yuan is not alone. More and more young people in small towns choose to buy cars through the new retail platform of automobiles. The down payment of 10% or even zero is one of the main reasons why they choose "Maodou new cars". It is understood that the young people, aged 18-35, living in prefecture level cities, counties, towns and rural areas at or below the third and fourth line, are becoming the main consumer of China's automobile market. They have a certain consumption capacity, but in their hometown, traditional 4S stores are rare. This year, with the support of the policy of "automobile going to the countryside", the sinking markets such as rural areas have greater consumption potential, and the trend of consumption upgrading is obvious. Compared with the past, the vast rural market has more imagination space. The vast rural market is becoming a hot spot for the major manufacturers and the new automobile retail platform. On the eve of the Spring Festival this year, ten ministries and commissions, including the national development and Reform Commission, jointly launched the implementation plan for further optimizing supply and promoting stable consumption growth and promoting the formation of a strong domestic market (2019), which proposed that "to promote the renewal and upgrading of rural cars, where conditions permit, rural residents can scrap three-wheel cars, purchase 3.5-ton and below trucks or 1.6-liter and below displacement passenger cars, and provide Appropriate. " After the news was sent out, auto brands, including,, -, and automobiles, followed up the policy of "going to the countryside by car" at their own expense, and launched different preferential car purchase schemes for rural residents for different models. It is understood that the "automobile to the countryside" policy was proposed mainly to guide the upgrading of rural automobile consumption. At present, compared with urban residents, the car ownership of rural residents in China is still relatively low, "car to the countryside" and other stimulus policies are intended to promote the renewal of rural cars and give appropriate subsidies, so as to guide the upgrading of rural car consumption, so as to stimulate domestic car consumption. In response, song Yingjie, deputy director of the Policy Department of the market system construction Department of the Ministry of Commerce, once said that in the whole automobile market, rural automobile consumption and rural automobile market are important components. In recent years, rural automobile consumption has grown rapidly and has great potential. Statistics show that at present, the number of cars owned by urban families per hundred households is 41, while that of rural families is 22.3. With the continuous growth of rural per capita disposable income and the improvement of road infrastructure, the level of rural automobile consumption will continue to improve. In fact, due to the lack of license plate, the increase of vehicle cost and the higher per capita car ownership, the automobile consumption capacity of the first tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen has been obviously insufficient. On the contrary, the automobile consumption of the third, fourth and fifth tier cities and below has increased significantly. In this context, how to sink into the third tier, fourth tier and below cities and explore new incremental markets has become a new direction for automobile manufacturers and new retail platforms. At present, in addition to the auto manufacturers, the new auto retail platform is also following the car to the countryside. For example, Maodou new car launched a large-scale activity of 100 cities going to the countryside. According to Xu Hua, purchasing director of Maodou new car, Maodou new car provides about 40 brands and nearly 200 models to rural users through "car to the countryside" and one-stop service. In addition, several thousand community stores have been set up in the country, and hundreds of Direct stores have been set up in the country to sink the channels to the third, fourth and fifth tier cities and rural markets. In Xu Hua's view, the channel sinking strategy adopted by Maodou new car is related to the current market environment. According to the latest data released by China Automobile Association, China's automobile production and sales in October were 2.295 million and 2.284 million respectively, down 1.7% and 4% year on year. Xu Hua believes that in the current car market environment, the car market in the third and fourth tier cities and below has room for growth. "Maodou new car hopes to be an effective supplement beyond the market coverage of traditional 4S stores, focusing on the third and fourth tier cities and below." Xu Hua said. A person in charge of peanut good car also said: "peanut good car will target customers who have not been fully covered by traditional auto dealers and auto financial system, so as to seize the growth dividend of sinking market." It is understood that compared with the traditional dealers, the new auto retail platform mostly adopts the "Online + offline" new retail mode, breaking the limitation of time and space. Consumers can watch and buy cars through the platform at any time to further realize the channel sink. At the same time, compared with the traditional full payment car purchase and installment loan, the financial service of "buying by rent" can further reduce the consumer's consumption pressure and stimulate the automobile consumption. "Take Xianyang City as an example, Maodou new car has launched a zero down payment or 10% down payment preferential car purchase scheme. As long as there is a rural account in Xianyang, you can enjoy these preferential policies." According to Xu Hua, the sales volume of Maodou new cars has been significantly improved by means of sinking channels such as automobile going to the countryside. From January to October this year, the turnover of new vehicles in Maodou increased by 217% compared with the same period last year. In addition, since this year, the amount of auto products purchased by Maodou new car from SAIC Group, auto and other brands has exceeded 1 billion yuan. At present, in the third and fourth tier and below urban and rural markets, the new automobile retail platform is in fierce competition with traditional dealers, and has become the "strong enemy" of dealers. In this context, the attitude of the main engine factory has also changed a lot. Previously, the main engine factory worried that the new auto retail platform would seize the 4S shop business with the manufacturer, and did not agree to wholesale new cars to the new auto retail platform. After discovering that the new automobile retail is an effective supplement to the 4S shop, more and more main engine manufacturers take the initiative to establish cooperation with the new automobile retail platform, jointly promote the sinking scheme of "automobile going to the countryside" and other channels, and promote the overall automobile consumption. "Next, Chang'an will strengthen cooperation with new auto retail platforms such as Maodou new car, and give more preference to the activities of auto going to the countryside in terms of resources," Liu Chaoyang, key account director of auto marketing business department, told reporters In addition, the relevant head of SAIC General Motors also believes that the main engine manufacturers should embrace the new retail mode, because this is only good for the main engine manufacturers and not bad.

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