Chongqing will build 20 hydrogenation stations to run 1000 hydrogen vehicles in the first phase

Posted 2024-02-15 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

The hydrogen energy car is coming! According to the latest news of Chongqing Economic and Information Commission, according to the guiding opinions on the development of battery car industry in Chongqing, Chongqing's hydrogen energy vehicles will be realized in three phases, among which 20 hydrogen stations will be built from 2019 to 2022, and 1000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will be first operated in the fields of public transport and logistics. Chongqing will support the development of hydrogen energy vehicles according to the newly issued guidance on the development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle industry in Chongqing. The target plan will be advanced in three phases. Among them, the first phase target is 2019-2022. In the three years, Chongqing's hydrogen fuel cell vehicle industry chain system has been initially formed, with 20 hydrogen refueling stations built, and 1000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles first operated in the fields of public transport, logistics, etc. 2023-2025 is the medium-term goal, and the specific action is to form the competitive advantage of the whole industrial chain of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, build 30 hydrogenation stations, and the number of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will reach 2000. The long-term plan is 2026-2030. At that time, Chongqing's hydrogen energy automobile industry will be fully clustered, with the localization matching rate of core parts exceeding 50%, forming the hydrogen fuel cell automobile industry chain and value chain and radiating to the surrounding areas. Hydrogen car, as the name implies, is a car with hydrogen as the energy source. It converts the chemical energy generated by hydrogen reaction into mechanical energy to drive the car. There are two kinds of hydrogen energy vehicles, one is hydrogen internal combustion engine vehicle. Another is the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, which Chongqing supports. The head of Chongqing Economic and Information Commission said that at present, the industry has taken action to develop the hydrogen energy automobile industry. Taking Chongqing as an example, the city's vehicle enterprises represented by Chang'an Automobile, Qingling automobile, SAIC Hongyan, etc. have started the development of various hydrogen fuel cell vehicle products; the hydrogen energy supporting enterprises such as Snowman Co., Ltd. and Germany combustion power Co., Ltd. have also successively settled in Chongqing to carry out the research and development and production of hydrogen fuel cell system and its core components. At the same time, the automobile quality supervision and inspection institutions such as China Automobile Research Institute and Chongqing Automobile Inspection Institute have the test and inspection capacity of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and the only domestic hydrogen dynamic force quality supervision and inspection center in Chongqing has also started construction. Accelerate the pilot demonstration of hydrogen energy vehicles, Chongqing will focus on public areas such as buses, taxis, logistics vehicles, municipal sanitation vehicles, etc., and accelerate the development of hydrogen purification, storage and transportation technology relying on local rich hydrogen resources. It is planned to cultivate Liangjiang New Area into the core area of the whole industrial chain such as hydrogen preparation, testing and certification, and support districts and counties such as Nan'an, Beibei and Changshou We will carry out research and development of hydrogen fuel cells, form a hydrogen fuel cell production cluster, build a public service platform for hydrogen energy vehicles, and improve industrial supporting facilities. In the field of automobile consumption, the new energy vehicles represented by electric vehicles are increasingly favored by more and more car buyers. On December 3, the Ministry of industry and information technology issued the new energy vehicle industry development plan (2021-2035) (Draft for comments) which shows that by 2025, the proportion of new energy vehicle sales in China is expected to reach 25%, and the market competitiveness of new energy vehicles is proposed Significant improvements have been made, major breakthroughs have been made in key technologies such as power battery, drive motor and vehicle operating system, and measures and goals have been taken to improve preferential tax policies such as new energy vehicle purchase tax. "Although the purchase of new energy vehicles has declined, the preferential price of new energy vehicles is more advantageous in terms of various tax incentives." On December 5, a staff member of a new energy vehicle sales network in Chongqing told Chongqing Morning Post, the upstream news, that the state tax department has reduced the value-added tax rate of manufacturing industry by 3% since April 1 this year, and the tax rate has been reduced from 16% to 13%. With the reduction of value-added tax, many car companies have "official declaration" price reduction this year. The reporter of Chongqing Morning Post, the upstream news, found that as early as March this year, luxury brands such as,, took the lead in the "first shot" of price reduction. Subsequently, joint-venture and independent brands such as Volkswagen, SAIC Volkswagen,, etc. also "ran" to follow up, and the domestic car market ushered in a wave of collective price reduction. And the price reduction range is often thousands of yuan as high as 100000 yuan, attracting the attention of many consumers. According to the staff of the new energy vehicle sales network, taking a vehicle with a sales price of about 200000 yuan as an example, after the reduction of value-added tax, the reasonable price reduction amount is about 5000 yuan. Because the vehicle price of the new energy vehicle tax includes financial funds, the actual purchase preferential margin will be more than 1000 yuan.

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