China's vehicles have a certain level of pedestrian protection performance, but the allocation rate of advanced products is low

Posted 2024-07-17 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

"The problem of pedestrian accidents in the mixed mode of pedestrian and vehicle traffic in China is prominent, and the situation of pedestrian safety is severe; the proportion of two wheeled vehicle users is high, and the problem of travel safety of vulnerable road users is prominent." On November 28, at the scene of the second China International Symposium on pedestrian protection in 2019, Shi yongwan, executive vice director of the Institute of vehicle test and research of China Automotive Technology Research Center Co., Ltd. inspection and Certification Division, introduced the current situation of pedestrian protection research in China. According to the data shared by Shi yongwan, the traffic accidents of passenger cars and vulnerable road users account for more than 50% of the total accidents. In passenger vehicle traffic accidents, pedestrians, motorcycles and electric two wheels account for a high proportion, vulnerable road users are injured about 75%, and pedestrians are killed the highest proportion, more than 30%. According to Shi Yongwan, the accident rate of passenger vehicles and vulnerable road users in China is high, and the casualties are serious. At the same time, in addition to the head and lower limbs of vulnerable road users, some injuries such as upper limbs and chest are serious, which should be paid attention to. In fact, in order to ensure the safety of pedestrian travel, the state has issued a series of corresponding laws and regulations, guidance. For example, when passing an intersection without traffic lights, traffic signs, traffic markings or traffic police command, it is required to slow down and let pedestrians and priority vehicles go first. "With the implementation of 2018 C-NCAP, vehicles in China have achieved a certain level of pedestrian protection performance." Shi yongwan introduced that since the implementation of 2018 C-NCAP, the average score rate of pedestrian protection test results is 68.6%, in which the score of head type is average, the score rate is 61.9%, and the score rate of leg shape is 95.3%, which is equivalent to that of Euro NCAP. In the test of 23 vehicles in 2019, 16 vehicles are equipped with AEB? VRU function, and the score rate is 86.0%. "Since the introduction of pedestrian protection in C-NCAP, a total of 5 models have been equipped with active pop-up hoods. In Euro NCAP, there are 11 models with active hood in 2018 and 1 model with active hood in 2019. " From this point of view, compared with foreign countries, China's advanced vehicle and pedestrian protection products (active hood, AEB? VRU, etc.) configuration rate is relatively low. However, Shi yongwan also stressed that consumers have more feedback on the false triggering of the active hood, and the maintenance costs are expensive. In addition, the road traffic situation in China is complex, and the false action rate of the active hood, AEB and other systems is high, so it is urgent to carry out research on the working conditions in China.

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