Car rims | Europe's electric vehicle market keeps pace with China's rapid growth

Posted 2023-10-16 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

As the second largest electric vehicle market in the world, Europe is catching up with China. While the sales of electric vehicles in China and the United States are declining, the sales of electric vehicles in Europe are increasing year by year. Germany is expected to surpass the United States to become the third largest electric vehicle market in the world this year. According to the latest research by the German cam automobile management center in bergischladebach, Germany, the sales volume of electric vehicles in Europe is increasing year by year. The sales volume of electric vehicles in Europe is close to that in China, far behind that in the United States. "Germany will become the world's third largest electric vehicle market in 2019," said Stefan bratzel, director of the German automobile management center. In the first 11 months of this year, 1.01 million electric vehicles were sold in China, down 6% year on year, and 296000 in the United States, down 5% year on year. Compared with the decline in the sales of electric vehicles in China and the United States, the sales of electric vehicles in the major European automobile markets showed explosive growth: the sales of electric vehicles in the Netherlands doubled (113%), Germany increased by 49%, and France increased by 36%. At the same time, the share of electric vehicle brands in Europe has increased significantly. This year, the share of electric vehicles in Norway reached 56.1%. One out of every two Norwegian cars is an electric vehicle. The share of electric vehicles in China rose slightly to 4.4% from 4.1% last year, while that in the United States fell to 1.9% from 2.0%. According to the forecast, the sales volume of electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles in Germany will reach 110000 in 2019. According to the German motor vehicle authority, the top three electric vehicles sold in Germany in the first 11 months of this year are Renault Zoe (8651 vehicles), (8492 vehicles) and 8088 vehicles. Speaking of the decline in sales of electric vehicles in China, Stefan bratzel said: "since China adjusted its subsidy policy for electric vehicles, sales of electric vehicles in China have declined substantially.". At present, the development of the world's electric vehicle industry mainly depends on the government's policy support. Once weaned, it will be reflected in the sales volume of electric vehicles. According to cam automobile management center, the sales volume of electric vehicles in China will be 1255000 in 2019, and the expected share of electric vehicles is 4.5%. Stefan bratzel said that in 2019, the world's electric vehicle industry shows a trend of polarization, and relevant government policies have seriously affected the development of the electric vehicle industry. On the one hand, favorable subsidy policies for electric vehicles have boosted sales; on the other hand, China's general reduction of subsidy policies has also contributed to the decline of electric vehicles.

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