Can't bear to leave Volkswagen to find partners for the seat business

Posted 2024-01-06 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

According to foreign media reports, automobile is looking for partners for its German seat Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "sideco") to share the development cost of new technology. Thomas Schmall, head of parts and components of Volkswagen Group, thinks that the level of auto driving cars will be higher and higher in the future. The layout of the interior seats will be different from that of the traditional cars. The car seats will become a complex product and need innovative solutions. We value the market opportunities in this field. Sideco is one of the important businesses of Volkswagen Group, with 5300 employees and seven factories in Germany, Poland and China, mainly producing seats and seat parts. "Volkswagen doesn't want to leave the seat business, but put it in a more important position. We are currently screening the market for partners who can help us acquire the necessary expertise. " Thomas schmall said. "The mode of cooperation with sideco can follow the mode of cooperation between Volkswagen and NSK, a Japanese component supplier. In June this year, Volkswagen announced the establishment of cooperation and development relationship with NSK in the field of steering system. " Thomas schmall is blunt. "Volkswagen ID vizzion concept car seat interior display" to this, many analysts do not understand the voice, in some vehicle enterprises have divested or reorganized parts business, Volkswagen is the opposite way, adhere to the ownership of West Germany. In fact, in the context of the global car market downturn, enterprises need to inject more capital and technology into the forward-looking market, but many markets still face uncertainty of investment return in the future. Some diversified enterprises have to say goodbye to some of their businesses and turn their capital to other businesses with higher return.

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