CEO of general Cruise: need to provide low-cost car sharing services

Posted 2023-11-12 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

On December 11, Dan Ammann, chief executive of cruise, a subsidiary of general motors, said in a message on the medium platform that cruise's mission is to improve safety by reducing human drivers, reduce emissions through the system, and make shared travel more attractive through a very low-cost quality experience, so as to alleviate traffic congestion. (photo source: General Motors official website) "only then can we truly surpass the car and realize the ideal transportation system, that is, safe, price friendly, more friendly to human beings, cities and the earth." In this article, we need to move beyond the car, Dan Ammann begins by listing the disadvantages of the car centered world, such as traffic congestion, carbon dioxide emissions, low utilization rate and high accident rate every year. Then it said, "the status quo of the transportation system is broken," and "it's becoming increasingly urgent to find better solutions.". At the end of the article, Ammann pointed out that "there will be more to come in the future", but did not elaborate specific plans. Cruise, on December 11, said it would provide more details about its January 21 event. After $1.15 billion in financing, cruise's market value reached $19 billion in May. In July, the company announced the cancellation of its plan to launch a self driving taxi service in 2019. In addition, cruise also cooperates with cars to develop autonomous vehicles for car sharing. In October last year, Honda invested $750 million in cruise, acquiring a 5.7% stake, and promised to invest $2 billion in the future. For now, auto and its partner Argo AI plan to launch commercial sharing and distribution services for autonomous vehicles in the United States by the end of 2021. Waymo has teamed up with LYFT to launch a car sharing service in Arizona.

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