CEO of Alstom may be the new CEO of Renault

Posted 2024-01-28 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

Henri POUPART Lafarge, chief executive of Alstom, the French transport infrastructure group, may be Renault's chief executive, according to BFM business. Lafarge is likely to beat two other potential candidates, Luca de MEO, the global president of the car group's West Yate brand, and Patrick Koller, the chief executive of the parts supplier, Faurecia, the report said Friday, citing several sources. Last year, lotilde delbos, Renault's interim chief executive, was appointed to ALSTOM's board. A source told BFM business: "it's not very attractive to be Renault's CEO at a time when the car market is in the doldrums and the alliance's partnership is strained." Another said: "it's clear that Henry Pratt Lafarge is interested in the job because Reno is much bigger than Alston." However, there are also reports in French media that Luca de Mayo is the chief executive of Renault Chairman Jean Dominique senard, while the French government, which owns 15% of Renault, prefers corrida. Bruno le Maire, France's minister of economy, backed the CEO of Faurecia Group corda because he has a French German background and is familiar with the challenges facing the auto industry, BFM business reported. Corrida may also be more interested in becoming Renault's CEO, as PSA group will sell its stake in the supplier after the merger with Fiat Chrysler (FCA). PSA owns 46% of faurec. BFM business reported that Renault will hold a board meeting next Tuesday to discuss the appointment of the CEO. On December 2, Renault chairman Leonard said that the candidate list of Renault CEO would be finalized soon. Renault has been looking for a new CEO since its board ousted its chief executive, Thierry bollore, in mid October. At the time, Renault also announced that the board of directors had decided to appoint Clotilde delbos, the company's CFO, as interim chief executive until the process of appointing a new chief executive was completed. Two people familiar with the matter said that Renault's interim chief executive, Jean Claude Arbos, had applied for the position of CEO permanently, but it was still uncertain whether he could succeed.

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