BYD develops emergency management system of epidemic situation and human body temperature measurement scheme

Posted 2023-01-05 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

On February 8, the government announced to the public that it had begun to deploy the design and manufacture of production equipment for medical protection materials, and put into production masks and disinfectants to meet the urgent demand for medical protection materials in the current epidemic prevention front line. Among them, the disposable medical mask production line can be mass produced and shipped on February 17, and the production capacity will reach 5 million per day by the end of February, and some N95 mask production capacity will be realized at that time. In addition, 500ml's free hand gel disinfectant is expected to reach 50 thousand bottles per day from February 17th. At the same time, it can help the government and enterprises to build epidemic lines and ensure the safety of the people, which can be widely used in public places such as stations, parks, schools, hospitals, etc.

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