BMW, Mercedes Benz or over 700000 BBA downsizing to electric transformation

Posted 2023-12-16 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

In the first 11 months, the cumulative sales volume of the three BBA companies in China exceeded 600000, and exceeded the annual sales volume of last year by 655783, and achieved the leading role of BBA by a weak advantage. This also indicates that in 2019, BMW and Mercedes Benz are expected to cross the 700000 mark. Compared with the rapid development of BBA in China market, it is experiencing a comprehensive cost reduction and efficiency increase in the world, and has successively heard the news of layoffs. In response to the "new four modernizations" reform, BBA has to do everything to reduce costs while increasing the corresponding R & D investment. At the same time, anti-monopoly, emission gate, recall and other corresponding expenditures are also often seen in BBA's financial statements. 2019 is coming to an end. The competition among Mercedes Benz, BMW and BBA will also decide the final outcome. In the past November, BMW and Audi have scored 68366 and 67402 "high marks", which set off the atmosphere of the competition for the champion in the domestic high-end car market to the top. At the same time, the cumulative sales volume of the three BBA companies in China in the first November exceeded 600000, BMW exceeded its annual sales volume of last year by 655783, and surpassed Mercedes Benz by a small margin to achieve the leading role in BBA. According to this, in 2019, BMW and Mercedes Benz are expected to surpass the 700000 vehicle mark, and once again push up the overall market scale of domestic high-end car market on the basis of last year. By contrast, Audi's cumulative sales in the previous November were 618596 vehicles, still lagging behind Mercedes Benz by 30829 and BMW by nearly 40 thousand. In 2019, the final winner of the domestic high-end car market is likely to be determined between BMW and Mercedes Benz. Since the beginning of this year, BMW has maintained steady growth and won six single month sales titles. At the same time, the number of new products launched this year is also the largest among BBA, reaching more than 20. At present, the new generation of 3 series, after the ramp up of production capacity, the monthly sales have reached nearly 9000; 5 series and last year's X3 also have a good performance, becoming an important source of sales for BMW. It is worth noting at the launch ceremony of the beamcar project that at the end of November, the light speed car project jointly built by BMW and automobile was officially launched, and the mini brand electric vehicle model will also be made in China. This will not only effectively improve BMW's new energy strength, but also help BMW to form a "double brand" attack on its competitors, which will have a profound strategic impact. From the perspective of Mercedes Benz, on the one hand, it is to continue to strengthen the offensive of traditional fuel vehicles, including continuous promotion and new generation models. The new GLB new generation SUV launched at the beginning of December is also considered to be a new sales growth point of Benz due to the combination of two types of models. On the other hand, with the launch of Mercedes Benz's new EQC pure electric SUV in early November, Mercedes Benz's electric vehicle offensive in China has been fully launched. At the same time, the brand created by Mercedes Benz and the joint venture also ushered in a new product, the brand-new Tengshi x, on the recently held. In the future, the combination of Benz + Tengshi will bring about a collision with BMW's "double brands", which is really expected. Compared with BBA's rapid development in China, the brand new Tengshi x is experiencing a comprehensive cost reduction and efficiency increase in the world, and the news of layoffs is coming out one after another. According to foreign media reports, BMW aims to save more than 12 billion euros in costs by 2022, and plans to cut 5000 to 6000 jobs before that. Audi plans to cut 9500 employees and two major factories in Germany by 2025 to save 6 billion euros. Daimler, the parent company of Mercedes Benz, will cut 1100 leadership positions globally, accounting for about 10% of its management, in order to save 1 billion euros by the end of 2022. At present, the global economy is full of uncertainty, and the global automobile market has been impacted. In this context, in order to cope with the "new four modernizations" reform, BBA has to do everything to reduce costs while increasing the corresponding R & D investment. At the same time, anti-monopoly, emission gate, recall and other corresponding expenditures are also often seen in BBA's financial statements. At the end of November, BMW, Daimler and were fined a total of 100 million euros by German antitrust authorities because they formed a cartel to buy Steel It has to be said that under the current situation, BBA is indeed "too south"! Even so, in November, the three BBA companies still delivered outstanding results in the global market, showing a positive growth in all respects. Among them, the cumulative sales volume of Mercedes Benz in the first 11 months reached 2133594, and it continues to maintain the leading position among BBA. BMW in second place is catching up with 16, 1200 cars behind it. Audi, Mercedes Benz and BMW are 463994 and 302794, respectively.

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