Agenda determination of China electric vehicle 100 people's meeting forum (2020)

Posted 2023-12-09 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

In 2019, China's new energy vehicle industry entered the adjustment period. Under the dual pressure of macroeconomic downturn and industrial policy adjustment, since July, the production and sales of new energy vehicles have been declining for five consecutive months year-on-year. So far, there has been no turning point. A number of local supply chain enterprises and new forces of vehicle building developed in the past decade are experiencing growing pains, product quality test and user trust crisis , multiple pressures such as bearish capital market; the opening of joint venture ratio, the "elephants" of the United States, Japan and South Korea have turned to focus on electrification, and China will become the main battlefield for the competition of international automobile giants; the "big shark" has entered China, and its transformation and batch delivery will have a great impact on the pattern of China's new energy automobile industry The whole automobile industry is shrouded in the doubts, crisis and uncertainty of the industrial adjustment period. In 2020, the national financial subsidies will be completely withdrawn, the newly revised "double points" policy will be officially implemented, and the electric vehicle models of various market segments of international giants will enter the market in batches. In such a critical period, how will China's new energy automobile industry transform strategically to meet the test of market and consumers? In the next stage, what is the trend of the national industrial policy and what kind of impact will it have on the automobile reform? How to understand the new situation in the adjustment period, how to reduce costs, improve product quality and service, and win the trust and favor of users? How can the industry cooperate with innovation to promote the growth of electric vehicle market again? How to judge the current situation and adjust to spend the cold winter? How to adjust and transform energy enterprises and how to better support the development of the industry with electric vehicle infrastructure? What are the key technologies driving the future car? How to accelerate the commercial landing of products? How to choose among the various technical routes promoted by the industrial development in the past decade Many questions need direction and answers. Under this background, the sixth annual forum of China's electric vehicles will be carefully planned, focusing on transformation with "grasping the situation" With the theme of "leading innovation", we will continue to adhere to the goal of "transmitting authoritative information, conducting extensive discussions and promoting communication and cooperation". We will try to help people in the industry sort out and analyze the industrial situation, explore and respond to the industrial concerns, and find the direction and path of industrial adjustment in the next 3-5 years. As the forum of the 6th China electric vehicle 100 people's Congress, the forum has 2 plenary sessions and 17 special events, covering the important topics of concern in the industry. At present, the number of heavyweight guests who have been confirmed to give speeches has reached more than 200, and the conference scale will reach about 3000. January 10-12, 2020: Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Beijing: grasp the situation, focus on transformation, lead innovation. The global automobile industry is in a deep transformation period. The development process of green, electric, intelligent, networking and sharing is speeding up. The development of China's electric vehicles has entered a period of structural adjustment, and the automobile market is undergoing tremendous changes. In this context, it is an important topic of great concern for the industry to analyze and grasp the latest change trend of the global automobile market and industry, to further consider and confirm the new energy automobile technology route in combination with the real market demand and macro strategic demand, to study the medium and long-term automobile industry development strategy, and to discuss the industry policy and enterprise strategy to cope with the current and future market changes. On the basis of hosting five consecutive forums in the past, the 2020 Centennial conference forum will focus on the theme of "grasping the situation, focusing on transformation and leading innovation", invite relevant government departments and representatives of industry institutions and leading enterprises in the fields of automobile, energy, transportation, city and communication to conduct in-depth discussions on transformation and innovation of industry, enterprise and policy. Time: 09:00-12:00 a.m. Saturday, January 11 forum theme: industrial change and development trend from a global perspective Subject content: comprehensive, in-depth and objective understanding of the development of the global automobile and new energy vehicle industry and the latest change trend; the latest policies and Enlightenment of major countries in the world in developing electric vehicles, promoting zero emission traffic, promoting industrial transformation and upgrading; the development strategy and international layout of major global automobile manufacturers and advanced technology companies; technological change of the automobile industry The latest trend; international cooperation opportunities and international path around new energy vehicles. Time: Saturday, January 11, 14:00-18:00 p.m. forum theme: grasp the situation and focus on Transformation Leading innovation theme content: global automobile industry enters into the deep transformation stage, including automobile technology breakthrough and policy innovation, green power and energy structure transformation, smart car superposition and sharing travel and urban transportation system transformation, industrial competition pattern reconstruction and enterprise competition strategy transformation, market space and technology route judgment and enterprise development mode transformation, data and software drive The transformation of automobile product form, the change of social public opinion and automobile consumption environment, the transformation of regulatory means and policy system, etc. Focus on these contents and directions, capture the innovation opportunities and seize the new development opportunities of the automobile industry. Time: 09:00-12:00 a.m. Friday, January 10 forum theme: innovation and transformation of China Germany automobile industry and integrated development with energy transportation system Theme content: the transformation and transformation of the industrial ecology driven by electrification and intelligence; how to innovate and realize the transformation from traditional vehicle enterprises to electrification and intelligence; the development status and future trend of new forces in vehicle manufacturing; how to realize the integration and development of key component enterprises with large energy and large transportation systems. Time: 09:00-12:00 a.m. on Friday, January 10 theme content: China's new energy industry is facing the transformation from the era of subsidies to the era of parity, and the energy transformation at this stage is facing new challenges and choices. What will be the future development trend and technical route? How to give full play to the resource endowments and create the road of characteristic development? The closed door meeting will invite representatives of relevant government departments, industry experts and entrepreneurs to discuss the development trend and route of new energy industry, how to build a green energy comprehensive utilization system, and how to promote the coordinated development of new energy industry and regional high-quality. Time: 9:00-12:00 a.m. on Friday, January 10. Forum theme: global situation and basic system of automatic driving. Theme content: the commercialization of automatic driving needs to re-establish a series of basic support systems, including map system, 5g and Internet of vehicles, artificial intelligence and algorithm, road intelligent facilities, cloud control platform, security system, etc. The construction of infrastructure system needs to consider a series of problems, such as system positioning, construction and operation mode, breakthrough of laws and regulations, etc. At the same time of designing the basic system, it is also necessary to grasp the latest development of automatic driving technology and the development reality of various countries, which is the prerequisite for formulating policies and landing industries. The forum will invite national management departments, research institutions and representative enterprises to conduct in-depth discussion on these basic and forward-looking issues. Time: 9:00-12:00 a.m. on Friday, January 10 theme content: carry out industry dialogue, build a bridge between China and the world, establish a fixed communication mechanism, conduct in-depth communication on key and hot issues to be solved in the industry, form experience summary and policy recommendations, and provide reference for decision makers. The first dialogue will focus on "cooperation direction and mechanism in the field of international zero emission and intelligent transportation", and discuss the working mechanism, topic selection, content and how to form effective achievements to promote the development of the industry through dialogue. Time: Friday, January 10, 14:00-17:00 p.m. theme content: summarize the development process and experience of China's new energy vehicles; grasp the current problems; discuss the market, industry and policy transformation direction; conduct in-depth discussion on hot spots, pain points and difficulties in the industry development. The Council will invite the directors and relevant government departments to participate, listen to the opinions of all parties, strengthen policy communication, and discuss the next work of the meeting. Time: Friday, January 10, 14:00-17:00 p.m. forum theme: new technology, new model, new platform, new ecology Subject content: how to better support the development of electric vehicle infrastructure industry; market prospect, business model and business model of charging, power exchange and hydrogenation; progress and application of advanced charging and power exchange technology; guarantee of big data in charging field for electric vehicle operation and safety; discussion on integrated optical storage and power charging technology model; how to charge electric vehicle with green electricity; electricity price , subsidy and other policies on the charging field and suggestions. Time: Friday, January 10, 14:00-17:00 p.m. theme content: the relationship and progress of intelligent Internet connection, automatic driving, vehicle road collaborative technology route. The planning and R & D layout of intelligent vehicle and intelligent network technology for vehicle enterprises. The problems and challenges faced by the auto driving enterprises in the test and application demonstration in China. Self driving business demonstration and collaborative innovation in intelligent infrastructure, policies and regulations, standards and certification. Time: Friday, January 10, 14:00-17:30 p.m. theme of the Forum: promoting the in-depth cooperation between R & D and industry. Theme: the automobile companies of China and the UK are accelerating the cooperation. Through practical cooperation projects, this forum will promote the industrialization of China UK electric vehicle innovation technology and promote the upgrading of industrial strategic cooperation between the two countries; the experience exchange of two-way industrial layout and technology implementation between China and the UK; the advanced experience exchange of the integrated innovation ecology of British industry, University and research; the potential opportunities and business environment of China's electric vehicle market; new technology and new business model Investment growth point. Time: 18:00-20:30 p.m. on Friday, January 10 theme: watch the clouds and see the moon Subject content: industrial investment institutions and industrial companies need to share investment opportunities and investment experience together, especially how to judge the investment opportunities in the new energy vehicle market in the future; the trend and opportunities of M & A and restructuring in the period of industrial adjustment; how to better manage the invested projects and achieve a better exit; how to invest through the industrial chain and lay out core technologies in the world And key components; how to evaluate the cross-border development of new energy vehicles by large financial institutions and real estate companies; how to achieve more effective docking between investment institutions and industrial companies in terms of investment and financing, so as to achieve mutual win-win development. Time: 09:00-11:30 a.m. on Sunday, January 12 dialogue theme: how to deal with the changes of new energy vehicle market and industrial transformation theme: what is the development status of China's new energy vehicle industry? What is the key point of industrial restructuring? What capabilities do enterprises have to cope with downward pressure? What capability gap still exists in traditional automobile enterprises, and how to realize the transformation successfully? How does the new car making force deal with the challenge? In this round of industrial adjustment, how to adjust the national industrial policy design? This dialogue of industry leaders will be jointly presented with the dialogue column of CCTV financial channel for live recording. Time: 09:30-12:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 12. Theme of the meeting: promote policy coordination and deepen industrial cooperation. Theme content: development status, market cultivation and future development trend of electric vehicle industry in various countries; evaluate various policies and suggestions to support the development of electric vehicle industry. Time: 9:00-12:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 12 forum theme: improving safety technology and improving politics

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