A lot of quarrels and fights, Didi released the report of drunk driving

Posted 2024-02-09 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

"A Jin and a half of white wine, and beer can be dried at will.". After drinking, some passengers vomit in the car, some don't get off the bus when they fall asleep, some fight with the driver with the strength of alcohol, and even some unreasonable people want to drive the driver off the bus. What is the matter with all living beings after drinking and riding? Take a look at Didi's data report on drunk driving. Recently, Didi released the report on safety and transparency of drunk passengers in the first three quarters of 2019. The platform received 37607 complaints related to drunk passengers, and didi customer service needs to deal with one complaint every 10 minutes. There are 4479 complaints about conflicts such as quarrels and fights between passengers and drivers due to drunkenness; 1170 complaints about sexual harassment after drinking, accounting for about 3% of the total number of complaints about drunken driving in the first three quarters. According to Didi's data report, nearly half of the complaints of minor scratches, or minor injuries and above are caused by drunk. It can be seen that the verbal and physical friction between the driver and the passenger is related to drunkenness. In the harassment complaints caused by drunk driving, the proportion of drivers' complaints to passengers is close to 90% (87.6%), and male passengers are the most complained. Drunk male passengers in the car really make the driver feel insecure, which is easy to cause conflicts between them. The proportion of complaints from passengers to drivers is relatively low, mainly reflected in female passengers' complaints to male drivers. In order to deal with the problems caused by passengers' drunk driving, Didi has launched the drunken reporting function nationwide since August 2019. At present, the number of daily drinking orders reported by drivers is 110000, 52% of which are reported late at night; the number of daily drinking orders reported by passengers is 86000. After passengers report for drinks, the platform will guide passengers to add temporary contacts, and after arriving at the destination, passengers will receive a wake-up call from the platform.

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